Top 10 Posts of 2019

At the end of each year, I like to see what you beautiful…sexy…outstanding people liked. What the fam….recognized (fam). This year, I really loved the topical variety and that the fam really wanted to hear from other people. Having Zac be a bit more like DJ Khaled if you know what I’m sizzlin’.  If you want to check out more about belly breathing, becoming a better leader, and the importance of a warm-up, then definitely check out this year’s top 10. Thank you again for making 2019 amazing! I hope to bring you even bigger and better stuff in 2020.

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Top 10 Debriefs of 2019

At the end of each year, I like to see what you beautiful…sexy…outstanding people liked. What the fam….recognized (fam). I decided to add a few extra little diddy’s this year. First, we will start off with debriefs. The little podcast/vlog that could. As I try to keep the debrief filled with variety, there didn’t seem to be any common themes; just good topics.  Check out your favorite debriefs below, and thank you again for an amazing 2019! 

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November 2019 Links and Review

Every week, my newsletter subscribers get links to some of the goodies that I’ve come across on the internets. Here were the goodies that my peeps got their learn on in November. If you want to get a copy of my weekend learning goodies every Friday, fill out the form below.  That way you can brag to all your friends about the cool things you’ve learned over the weekend. [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Hell yes I want weekend learning goodies every Friday!”]

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Asymmetries, Foot Position, and Educating Practitioners – Movement Debrief Episode 105

Movement Debrief Episode 105 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: Is it more important to correct axial skeleton imbalances or side to side asymmetries? Should we do bilateral lifts to challenge the weak side to “keep up”, or should we perform single sided activities to even things out? How important is foot positioning during resets? What are some strategies to drive calcaneal inversion or eversion? How do you communicate more specific treatment goals with other practitioners who aren’t familiar with your model?

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How to Maximize Movement and Performance for Young Athletes

Strength and conditioning for young football players is a bit, oh how do I put it…. Outdated When you take young kids who are just starting to figure out their bodies and start benching, squatting, deadlifting, and cleaning with reckless abandon, problems often ensue. Let’s face it, when’s the last time you saw a pretty back squat come from a freshmen in high school? Perhaps this area needs a shift in focus. There is an incredible amount of research showing that beginners can get fitness improvements with just about anything, so why not teach kids to master movement fundamentals? Why go for the bazooka when a handgun will work just fine. This topic is one of many that we discussed on the QB Docs Podcast. Below is the list of topics we covered: We know that starting strength and conditioning at an early age is a myth. What should kids start out doing at an early age? Where does breathing fit into performance? Is breathing a learned skill?How do I know if I’m limited in my breathing ability? How does breathing affect mobility? In what ways? Why is this important for athletes? What does hyperinflation mean for performance of the athlete? What are the specific implications for a rotational athlete such as a QB? For the high school athlete out there that is struggling with some basic movement skills,what would your advice be for him/her? Do we really have to perfect the bodyweight squat before we load the movement? The

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October 2019 Links and Review

Every week, my newsletter subscribers get links to some of the goodies that I’ve come across on the internets. Here were the goodies that my peeps got their learn on in October. If you want to get a copy of my weekend learning goodies every Friday, fill out the form below.  That way you can brag to all your friends about the cool things you’ve learned over the weekend. [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Hell yes I want weekend learning goodies every Friday!”]

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Kegels, Overhead Reaching, and Overuse vs Deconditioned – Movement Debrief Episode 104

Movement Debrief Episode 104 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: What are pelvic diaphragm mechanics during breathing? How do these mechanics relate to two different types of kegel (holding in urine vs gas) Is there a reason to encourage a kegel? What could be the negative implications of a kegel? What breathing mechanics does reaching overhead encourage? What type of reaching would each infrasternal angle presentation benefit from? What are some signs to differentiate an overuse injury vs tissue deconditioning? How do you encourage someone with an overuse injury to proceed? How do you encourage someone with tissue deconditioning to proceed?

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Pelvic Dynamics, Lower Back Weakness, and Finances – Movement Debrief Episode 103

Movement Debrief Episode 103 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: What are the inhaled and exhaled orientations of the pelvis? What movement strategies would you use to improve dynamics of each orientation? How often is each orientation found? Why might clients feel lower back weakness? Is there a time when you work on lower back strength? How do you educate clients who say they have lower back weakness? What are some of the key financial areas to focus on as a new grad? What are some good financial resources?

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Deadlift Stance, Measuring Hip Rotation, and Hemorrhoids – Movement Debrief Episode 102

Movement Debrief Episode 102 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: How does the infrasternal angle (ISA) relate to deadlift stance? Which ISA presentation are typically better deadlifters? How can I select the most effective deadlift stance What’s the difference between measuring hip rotation in sitting, prone, and supine? What are hemorrhoids? What may be a mechanical cause for hemorrhoids? What movement limitations may be present? How can I go about improving hemorrhoids?

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Anteversion, Retroversion, Squat Stance, and Tissue Tolerance – Movement Debrief Episode 101

Movement Debrief Episode 101 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: Why does a foot turn out or in? How can we decide how much foot position is related to normal femoral torsion or ventral cavity movement limitations? How much does femoral version matter? Should we advocate for a straight foot in all activities? Why and when should we apply a straight foot position? How does this relate to running fast? What do different stance widths do to the squat? How can impingement happen in a squat? How can I find the “best” stance width on a squat? How do I explain tissue tolerance to clients? What about tissues such as joints or nerves? Do those also have tissue tolerance?

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Overhead Press, Missing Molars, and Situps – Movement Debrief Episode 100

Movement Debrief Episode 100 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: First, a case study of a patient who had full thorax motion, yet still had pain How to problem solve through a set of movement limitations Why is overhead pressing useful? What does my progression look like to getting someone to overhead press? Do I prefer in front of neck or behind the neck position for overhead pressing? Why do molars get pulled? What impact can pulled molars have on breathing and movement? What would be treatment recommendations? Are situps a bad exercise choice? Will situps hurt your back? When could programming situp variations be useful?

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