No More Protruding Pooch Belly in 2 Weeks

Ever wondered why your lower belly sticks out, despite all the crunches? Uncover the secret cause of pooch belly that no one talks about. It’s not about the fat, it’s not about the diet, it’s something that’s been under your nose all along. Dive into a unique exercise routine that targets this hidden cause and watch as your abs transform. Say goodbye to the pooch belly and hello to a flatter, stronger core. Intrigued? Click to unravel the mystery and change the way you see your abs workout forever

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Pooch Belly – Why It Happens and 3 EASY FIXES For It

Is there more to getting rid of a pooch belly than just losing weight? Are you someone who despite your best efforts has the lower part of your abs sticking out (aka a pooch belly)? Maybe you’ve tried to lose weight, but it still remains. What if there was a way to improve this area that didn’t involve extreme weight loss? I think there is, and there’s research to show it. In this post, you will learn how movement and body structure can influence where your abdominal contents sit (one underappreciated reason for the pooch), and how we can use movement to potentially improve this posture. Intrigued? Check out the post and video below to learn more.

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Infrasternal Angle Treatment 101

I measured the infrasternal angle…..uhhh, now what?

No doubt you’ve heard a bazillion things about the infrasternal angle. You maybe even have been measuring them pretty consistently and know it’s a big deal.

You know what we don’t talk about though?

What the hell do you do about it?!?!?

You’ll find out in this post

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Breathing: Biomechanics, Exercise, and Education

Do you ever get asked why are you breathing like that during an exercise? Or worse yet, maybe you’ve gotten in ANOTHER Facebook argument with some trainer or clinician who is skeptical of breathing. Despite typing feverishly, throwing all caps on that comment, everything you can, no luck. It’s interesting to consider why some peeps think of breathing as this separate piece from movement. It’s something esoteric, different. When in reality… Breathing affects pelvic floor dynamics, impacting how your hips move Breathing influences the intra-abdominal pressure needed to move heavy ass weights You upper body and cervical mobility can be impacted by breathing. Not sure if you know this, but uh, most of your upper quadrant muscles attach to the ribcage fam! Breathing isn’t something fancy, but an integral piece of how we move and perform. If maximizing your movement quality sounds like something you want to learn how to do, take advantage of breathing. To implement breathing into your training, you’ll need to learn some biomechanics, apply airflow to your favorite lifts, and educate others so you can show them the way, the truth, and the light. Don’t worry fam, I got you with Movement Debrief Episode 126.

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Infrasternal Angle Compensations and Treatments

A deep dive into the infrasternal angle Movement Debrief Episode 115 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the setlist: What are the primary compensatory strategies with a wide and narrow infrasternal angle? What would be secondary compensations seen with these infrasternal angles? What test results would each infrasternal angle have? What exercises should be programmed for inhalation and exhalation strategies? What is the upper thorax presentation for each infrasternal angle? What exhalation strategies should each infrasternal angle use? Are there times it’s okay to deviate from these strategies?

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Infrasternal Angle Updates, Flexion Intolerance, and Calves – Movement Debrief Episode 80

Movement Debrief Episode 80 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: Does the infrasternal angle (ISA) impact my decision-making? What is the role of the ISA? What should be done if pain is brought on by a pelvic tilt and exhalation? What activities do I utilize to improve activity of the gastrocnemius and soleus?

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