These Posture Tips UNLOCK Your Sh*t

Revolutionize your stance with our game-changing posture tips that promise freedom of movement and natural alignment. Forget stiff poses; learn how to shift your weight, align your pelvis, breathe to control back position, and walk with an easy swagger to unlock a lively and pain-free lifestyle.

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No More Protruding Pooch Belly in 2 Weeks

Ever wondered why your lower belly sticks out, despite all the crunches? Uncover the secret cause of pooch belly that no one talks about. It’s not about the fat, it’s not about the diet, it’s something that’s been under your nose all along. Dive into a unique exercise routine that targets this hidden cause and watch as your abs transform. Say goodbye to the pooch belly and hello to a flatter, stronger core. Intrigued? Click to unravel the mystery and change the way you see your abs workout forever

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Everything Wrong with Bryan Johnson’s $2M Posture Routine

Bryan Johnson: A Man of Many Talents, but is Posture Advice One of Them? You’ve heard of Brian Johnson, right? The guy who’s been doing some fantastic work in the realm of health and longevity science. Can we say the same about his postural advice? I think NOT! I’ve spent a TON of time dissecting all things posture. What is is, what it is not, and how to “improve” it. And it’s more complicated than you think. In this post, I’m going to critique Brian’s 5 posture tips. Be prepared for a research deep dive. And don’t worry, you’ll also get what you should do instead. Check out the blog, video, and podcast below to learn about it!

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This WRECKS Your Sitting Posture

The TRUE Fix for Sitting We’ve all been there – after a long day of sitting in front of a computer, you stand up and feel a twinge in your lower back. Or you’ve been sitting in perfect posture, but your neck and back are still sore. What if I told you that perfect sitting posture isn’t the key? That you MUST focus on something different. The real thing that’s DESTROYING your sitting. What is that key? Read the blog post, watch the video, and listen below to learn.

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If you are in chronic pain watch this [Trigger warning]

The hardest thing you can do if you are in chronic pain Chronic pain can be one of the hardest conditions to overcome, though I think there is one variable that separates those who are stuck and those who breakthrough. But this obstacle is one of the hardest things to overcome on the journey toward pain freedom. Don’t worry, I’ll outline what this issue is, and provide some ideas on how you can overcome it, getting you closer to your goal, a goal of being pain-free.

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Mindful Movement with Lucy Hendricks

The trainer’s guide to teaching clients the fundamentals of health What does it take to make clients healthy? Is it just movement, or is it more? And is there a way we can make pursuing health for our clients simpler? Make the coaching process simpler? That’s why I’m juiced up to bring you Lucy Hendricks for this week’s talk. In this podcast, you’ll learn: What it really takes to keep your clients healthy How to create a gym culture that values health, sleep, nutrition, and more What are the pillars of health? Which three habits should brand new clients focus on in their first year of training How mindful movement can give you all the benefits of yoga without the drawbacks Why you should use the “rule of 3” with your exercise cueing The benefits of creating a consistent approach with your clients Why coaching the general population is important What is the future of healthcare? Check this interview out if you want your coaching to be simpler and all-encompassing!

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The Healthiest Home Office

What is the best home office set up for health and productivity? No doubt your virtual work has increased since COVID began, but should you spend more time sitting, standing, or even on the treadmill as you work? Unsure what equipment is going to keep you healthy, productive, and moving like a BOSS? Surprisingly, there is a TON of debate around what type of desk or sitting recommendation is most effective for health and work output. The winner isn’t clear cut. If you want to beef up your workspace, then Check out Movement Debrief Episode 137 below to learn how.

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Pregnancy, Pectus, and Bruxism – Movement Debrief Episode 106

Movement Debrief Episode 106 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the setlist: How can pregnancy affect one’s ability to move? Can pregnancy change one’s infrasternal angle? What type of adjustments and considerations should we make for those who are pregnant? What is pectus excavatum? How can this structural change impact movement options? What type of exercises can we use to improve movement when someone has a pectus? What is bruxism? What is bruxism’s relationship to upper airway? What are other potential related factors to bruxism? What are some treatment considerations for someone who has bruxism?

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Top 10 Goodies of 2019

It can be incredibly challenging to keep up with the information overload that is the internet.  This is why every Friday I send my newsletter subscribers (aka the fam) the select few things I found useful. What did the fam enjoy the most in 2019? Exercise, exercise, exercise. The overwhelming majority of goodies the fam loved were exercise variations that I’ve been employing with my peeps.  If you want to see some good shit (you’ll laugh when you see it), sleep better, and move better, then definitely check out the top goodies from 2019. What’s crazy is there were a ton of high-ranking goodies that did not make the list. That’s why I encourage you to sign up for these on the newsletter, as 2020 will make the majority of the goodies fam exclusive. You’ll also get access to a free course, 5 hours of lecture on pain and breathing, and an acute:chronic workload calculator. I won’t even charge you extra, because it’s FREE! [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Yes, I want goodies and free stuff”] Without further ado, here are the top 10

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Top 10 Posts of 2019

At the end of each year, I like to see what you beautiful…sexy…outstanding people liked. What the fam….recognized (fam). This year, I really loved the topical variety and that the fam really wanted to hear from other people. Having Zac be a bit more like DJ Khaled if you know what I’m sizzlin’.  If you want to check out more about belly breathing, becoming a better leader, and the importance of a warm-up, then definitely check out this year’s top 10. Thank you again for making 2019 amazing! I hope to bring you even bigger and better stuff in 2020.

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November 2019 Links and Review

Every week, my newsletter subscribers get links to some of the goodies that I’ve come across on the internets. Here were the goodies that my peeps got their learn on in November. If you want to get a copy of my weekend learning goodies every Friday, fill out the form below.  That way you can brag to all your friends about the cool things you’ve learned over the weekend. [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Hell yes I want weekend learning goodies every Friday!”]

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