The Best Free Course to Learn Advanced Biomechanics

Struggling with all the confusing breathing stuff on the internet? Learning biomechanics can be so tough because EVERYONE uses confusing and exclusive terminology. It’s like where do you even start to learn about this stuff? This course is the answer. Enter The Human Matrix ENDS the confusion by teaching you the fundamentals needed to grasp material taught by myself and others, as well as practical materials to IMMEDIATELY carry over to coaching your clients. Why should I take this FREE course? Aside from it’s free (no, I’m serious. People have told me this free course is better than some paid products), you’ll finish the course with the following skills: Become automatic with common breathing terminology and lingo to reduce confusion Develop a holistic framework to make decisions regarding your clients Grasp only the essential anatomy you need to better apply breathing and movement interventions Pick out compensatory movements in your clients to better determine what interventions should be performed After you are done, you’ll have all the fundamentals you’ll need to be successful in learning about all the popular breathing and movement stuff you see everywhere. Tim Duncan won’t be as fundamentally sound as you! Here’s what people have said about the course! What are you waiting for? Sign up below! It’s ABSOLUTELY FREE If you care about: Producing results SO BIG that you’ll spend less on marketing because your clients send you endless referrals! Maximizing your client’s movement and well-being so they can pursue the activities they dream to

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Why is My Left Shoulder Lower Than My Right? – Biomechanics and Treatment

Left vs right-handedness is only one reason your shoulders are asymmetrical Are you someone whose left shoulder sits lower than the right, and haven’t figured out why or what to do about it? The problem is that most lack understanding on how this asymmetry occurs, limiting the ability to design effective treatments. That changes with today’s post. Here, we will dive into the REAL reason the left shoulder may appear lower than the right (and no, it’s not because of handedness), and how to improve this postural strategy.

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Functional Muscle Contractions

Compression, expansion, limitations, oh my! Have you ever wondered how muscle contractions impact movement? Or why in the hell we are using fancy terms like compression, expansion, all that mess? Or how does tissue tension create movement limitations? I get it, the terminology and stuff can be confusing AF, but passing that learning curve will allow you to: Figure out why movement limitations happen Better make decisions based on the infrasternal angle Determine how loading changes contractile orientations Are you ready to take your programming and exercise selection to the next level? Then check out Movement Debrief Episode 130!

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How a Six Pack Affects Movement

A deep dive into abdominal wall compensations Movement Debrief Episode 120 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the setlist: What movement compensations can occur from a concentric rectus abdominis? How can the rectus abdominis become eccentrically oriented? How does abdominal fat impact movement? How does a pooch belly develop? What is a diastasis recti? How does breathing coaching change with a diastasis recti? What breathing would be recommended for diastasis recti during conditioning? How can a pooch belly be managed in standing? What are umbilical hernias? What causes umbilical hernias? Should surgery be done? What conservative treatments can be given for an umbilical hernia?

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All About the Ribcage

Learn how reaching and improve upper body mobility Movement Debrief Episode 117 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the setlist: What order should I prioritize improving ribcage expansion? What is the manubriosternal joint? What happens when I have mixed compensations at the sternum? How can I encourage ribcage dynamics without increasing secondary compensations? What visual cues can I look at to see if someone can “stack?” What is different about infrasternal angle presentations between 90-110 degrees? How do I go about improving these particular infrasternal angle presentations? How can thoracic sidebending be useful with improving ribcage dynamics?

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Pregnancy, Pectus, and Bruxism – Movement Debrief Episode 106

Movement Debrief Episode 106 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the setlist: How can pregnancy affect one’s ability to move? Can pregnancy change one’s infrasternal angle? What type of adjustments and considerations should we make for those who are pregnant? What is pectus excavatum? How can this structural change impact movement options? What type of exercises can we use to improve movement when someone has a pectus? What is bruxism? What is bruxism’s relationship to upper airway? What are other potential related factors to bruxism? What are some treatment considerations for someone who has bruxism?

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Top 10 Debriefs of 2019

At the end of each year, I like to see what you beautiful…sexy…outstanding people liked. What the fam….recognized (fam). I decided to add a few extra little diddy’s this year. First, we will start off with debriefs. The little podcast/vlog that could. As I try to keep the debrief filled with variety, there didn’t seem to be any common themes; just good topics.  Check out your favorite debriefs below, and thank you again for an amazing 2019! 

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Pelvic Dynamics, Lower Back Weakness, and Finances – Movement Debrief Episode 103

Movement Debrief Episode 103 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: What are the inhaled and exhaled orientations of the pelvis? What movement strategies would you use to improve dynamics of each orientation? How often is each orientation found? Why might clients feel lower back weakness? Is there a time when you work on lower back strength? How do you educate clients who say they have lower back weakness? What are some of the key financial areas to focus on as a new grad? What are some good financial resources?

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Deadlift Stance, Measuring Hip Rotation, and Hemorrhoids – Movement Debrief Episode 102

Movement Debrief Episode 102 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: How does the infrasternal angle (ISA) relate to deadlift stance? Which ISA presentation are typically better deadlifters? How can I select the most effective deadlift stance What’s the difference between measuring hip rotation in sitting, prone, and supine? What are hemorrhoids? What may be a mechanical cause for hemorrhoids? What movement limitations may be present? How can I go about improving hemorrhoids?

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Anteversion, Retroversion, Squat Stance, and Tissue Tolerance – Movement Debrief Episode 101

Movement Debrief Episode 101 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: Why does a foot turn out or in? How can we decide how much foot position is related to normal femoral torsion or ventral cavity movement limitations? How much does femoral version matter? Should we advocate for a straight foot in all activities? Why and when should we apply a straight foot position? How does this relate to running fast? What do different stance widths do to the squat? How can impingement happen in a squat? How can I find the “best” stance width on a squat? How do I explain tissue tolerance to clients? What about tissues such as joints or nerves? Do those also have tissue tolerance?

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