No More Protruding Pooch Belly in 2 Weeks

Ever wondered why your lower belly sticks out, despite all the crunches? Uncover the secret cause of pooch belly that no one talks about. It’s not about the fat, it’s not about the diet, it’s something that’s been under your nose all along. Dive into a unique exercise routine that targets this hidden cause and watch as your abs transform. Say goodbye to the pooch belly and hello to a flatter, stronger core. Intrigued? Click to unravel the mystery and change the way you see your abs workout forever

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Don’t EVER Do These Exercises

nlock your shoulder, neck, and upper body rotation mobility with a fresh perspective on thoracic or T-spine mobility. This blog post reveals the missing ingredient in most T-spine mobility drills – the movement of the ribs. Discover a four-step plan that includes improving front-to-back ribcage dimensions, expanding the posterior and anterior thorax, and driving progressive rotation under load. Learn how to enhance your mobility and unleash your movement with these practical and effective strategies.

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You’re Missing This When You Walk

Make Walking Comfortable I want you to think back on your last leisurely stroll or intense power walk. Did you feel any discomfort? Did your body ache, despite the countless rehab exercises you’ve been doing? If so, you’re not alone, and I’ve got some news for you. Walking may seem simple, but is quite complex. Do it right, and it can be a game-changer for your mobility and posture. Bear with me here, because I know it sounds odd. Walking should be an unconscious process. I mean, you don’t want to be Sting, contemplating every breath you take or every move you make, right? Yet, what do you do if walking hurts? Considering your gait might be the key. Let’s dive into what to think about while walking! Read the blog, watch the video, and listen to the podcast below!

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Something’s Up with Your Back…

A common postural problem Slouched posture gets all the press, but what if you’re dealing with flat back posture? Although this presentation is common, there are NOWHERE NEAR as many resources addressing it. That changes today. I’m breaking the silence on this critical posture problem. You’ll learn what it is, how to test for it, and how to improve your movement with it. Read the blog, watch the video, and listen to the podcast on it.

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