Fix Lateral Shift/Crooked Back FAST

Correcting a Lateral Shift in Your Back

Do you have a crooked or shifted back and have ruled out serious issues? A lateral shift in your spine might be causing discomfort. But don’t worry, the following exercises can help straighten your back, improve mobility, and reduce pain.

Step 1: Start with Passive Support

Materials Needed: A firm pillow or an AB mat.


  1. Lie on the side where your torso shifts, placing the pillow or AB mat under your abs, pelvis, and lower ribs.
  2. Take a slow, silent breath in through your nose for a count of five to ten, then exhale through your mouth for the same duration.
  3. Rest in this position for one to two minutes.

This passive approach can provide initial relief by helping align your lower rib cage with your pelvis.

Step 2: Engage Your Core

Materials Needed: A wedge or a sturdy book.


  1. Get up on your forearm with your top leg in front of the bottom one. Roll your body forward so your weight is on the bottom knee and the outer wrist.
  2. If you can’t feel these points, adjust your hand to a ‘C’ shape and rotate your palm down.
  3. Place a wedge under your hip and elbow for support.
  4. Push up through your forearm and knee, taking slow breaths. Perform five sets of five breaths, twice a day.

This exercise engages your abs, helping to stabilize your spine.

Step 3: Derotate and Stabilize


  1. Start on your knees and forearms, ensuring your spine is neutral.
  2. Push your torso up from the ground, focusing weight on your wrist and opposite knee, balancing the effort to avoid rounding your back too much.
  3. For each breath cycle, shift more weight onto the arm and knee on the opposite side of the shift. Extend the opposite limbs slightly.
  4. Perform three sets of ten reps on this side only.

This position helps to derotate the spine and correct the lateral shift by redistributing weight and aligning the back properly.

Sum Up

Correcting a lateral shift in your back can improve your comfort and mobility. These exercises help realign your spine. For ongoing discomfort or more severe shifts, consider consulting a professional.