This INSTANTLY Improves Your Mobility

Unlock Your Shoulder Mobility Fast

Experiencing shoulder discomfort or limitations? Enhancing your shoulder mobility is crucial for daily activities and sports performance.

What if yours is questionable?

Then you need to try the progression in this post. Your shoulder mobility will be WAY better.

The Power of Hanging for Shoulder Mobility

Hanging exercises, inspired by Dr. John Kirsch’s work, can improve shoulder girdle shape and mobility. More space in the shoulder joint equals more mobility and less discomfort. But there’s an added twist—what hanging does to your ribcage.

Because it turns out, the ribcage is what your shoulder girdle sits on. The foundation. Hanging from a bar can help expand and move this area.

Better ribcage mobility = better shoulder function.

Gradual Progression is Key

Jumping straight into a 1 arm dead hang isn’t a great first move. Like any exercise, you gotta ease into it. Build up your tolerance, and you’ll get CRAZY mobility improvements.

Start with Supported Hanging

  1. Start by hanging with your feet supported on a box.
  2. Let the shoulders sink.
  3. Silent nasal inhale
  4. Soft mouth exhales
  5. Try four sets of five breaths, twice daily, for 2-4 weeks.

Adding Movement to Hanging

Once comfortable, incorporate movement into the hang. It’ll get your mobility like MEGA.

You can try hip rotations. Swiveling the hips will rotate the torso.

You can also swing your hips side to side, transferring weight from one shoulder to the other.

Want to get real fancy? Lift one hand at the end of the shift. Alternate sides.

Advanced Hanging Techniques

Ready for more? Remove the box and follow the same progressions:

1. Full Hanging: Start by just hanging and breathing.

2. Rotations and Shifts: Use your legs for swinging and rotating, adding dynamic movement.

3. End-Range Hand Releases: Release one hand at the end range of each shift. Mobility and strength combined!

Sum Up

Once you master hanging, NO ONE will be able to hang with you…Unless you invite them to, of course.

But seriously. Hanging is a great way to improve shoulder mobility and strength. And the improvements can happen quick.

Pair this with this squat progression, and you’ll move that much better!