Fix Shoulder External Rotation FAST

Unlock greater shoulder mobility and wave goodbye to stiffness with our expertly crafted exercises. From improving ribcage flexibility to mastering external rotation, discover how to elevate your high fives and throwing power without discomfort. Dive into our guide for easy-to-follow moves designed to reshape your ribcage and enhance shoulder function, making mobility limitations a thing of the past.

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Something’s Up with Your Back…

A common postural problem Slouched posture gets all the press, but what if you’re dealing with flat back posture? Although this presentation is common, there are NOWHERE NEAR as many resources addressing it. That changes today. I’m breaking the silence on this critical posture problem. You’ll learn what it is, how to test for it, and how to improve your movement with it. Read the blog, watch the video, and listen to the podcast on it.

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4 Exercises That Fix 90% of Shoulder Pain

That NO ONE looks at Almost all painful shoulders neglect improving mobility in 1 key area. An area that services as the foundation for shoulder girdle function. The ribcage. That’s right, your ribcage isn’t only there to protect your vital organs. It’s the shoulder girdle’s base. Improve the dynamics of this area, and most of those common shoulder issues will vanish. Want to learn how? Check out the blog, video, and podcast below.

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Fix Forward Head Posture for Good

Addressing all factors that cause forward head Struggle with forward head posture? I bet you tried sitting up straight and pulling your shoulders back. But it didn’t work that well, right? That’s because forward head posture is not caused by laziness or phone use, but by something else: The need to keep the airway open. I’ll explain why forward head posture happens and how to fix the underlying issues. Addressing this posture in the best way possible. Read the blog, watch the video, and listen to the podcast below to learn about it.

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Neck Pain Stretches DON’T WORK (but this does)

The real reason your neck hurts If your neck ever hurts when… – You exercise – Work on the computer for too long – Taking deep breaths THIS POST is for you! Because the reason why your neck hurts is NOT that you have to stretch it. No. Instead, it could be because of one thing you are doing all throughout the day. The best part? This thing is TOTALLY under your control! What is it? Read the blog and watch the video below to learn about it!

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Tight Upper Trap – The Hidden Cause That Stretching Won’t Fix

The real reason your traps are tight The upper trap, the muscle along the sides of your neck, is a common cause of neck pain and tension. Most people try to fix this tension by stretching their necks. But I hate to break it to you… Stretching doesn’t work That’s because the upper trap is NOT tight for the reasons you’d think it was. In this post, I’ll give you the REAL reason the upper trap gets tight, and what you can do about it. Check it out below.

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Overhead Press Pain: The FIX You’re Missing

4 Exercises That Alleviate Shoulder Pain FAST! If you’ve got overhead press pain, you’ve got to try these three fixes to help loosen up your arms and take stress off the shoulders. Overhead pressing can be troublesome because it requires a lot of shoulder mobility to ensure solid technique. Without it, you can expect your low back to arch, your shoulder to ache, and your weights to be small. But good news! I’ve got three movements that will loosen up your shoulders and help you with any pain while overhead pressing. Check out the video and post below to learn about it. Get Lower Rib Cage First, it’s important to place attention on the lower rib cage. If the lower ribs are flared out, then the upper lung will have trouble filling and supporting the shoulder blade. And no shoulder blade stability means no shoulder joint mobility! To cue this rib cage position, I like quadruped on elbows. Quadruped on Elbows Start on elbows and knees, forming a triangle shape with your forearms Exhale slowly and pull the belly up toward the ceiling while tucking the hips Press the palms flat into the ground Push the inner elbow through the ground making sure to stay long from top of the head to tail Take an easy inhale through the nose Exhale slowly, but fully, sighing out through the mouth Pause for 5 seconds before repeating for 5 breaths Mistakes to look out for: Don’t crunch when exhaling. Ribs coming backward

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