- First, a case study of a patient who had full thorax motion, yet still had pain
- How to problem solve through a set of movement limitations
- Why is overhead pressing useful?
- What does my progression look like to getting someone to overhead press? Do I prefer in front of neck or behind the neck position for overhead pressing?
- Why do molars get pulled?
- What impact can pulled molars have on breathing and movement?
- What would be treatment recommendations?
- Are situps a bad exercise choice?
- Will situps hurt your back?
- When could programming situp variations be useful?

Table of Contents
Below are the links mentioned in the show notes
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Goodbye, situps. The Army is rolling out a new fitness test
Finding a Dentist Below is the dragon roll exercise. It’s a great situp variation. Ben House Push press – If you are having a hard time getting to press overhead cuz your thoracic mobility is whack, then you need to check this out!
Zac, you mentioned that you found no studies regarding injuries related to spinal flexion. However, over 15 years ago, there were several people using some of the Nachemson studies showing increased intradiscal pressure in various postures( seated ) and in flexion. I can’t find that exact one but there are several that come up when you do an internet search for Nachemson studies. That has always been my understanding of why situps were “Bad”. Anti extension, flexion, etc became the go to, and still is, based on the belief that they were more representative of how the core works in sports and exercise. At least that is my understanding. I would love to hear your opinion
I will have to see if I can cop those studies. I’ve read some research on the amount of compression placed on the spine during 1-RM deadlift in high level powerlifters, and it ranges from 17k to 37k N of force through the spine. Yet, we program deadlifts for our athletes.
As for transferability in terms of anti-planar movements. Isometrics are rarely performed in most sports. There has to be some degree of spinal rotation occurring in most rotational sports. That’s not to say that these movements are not useful, I think they are. I question transferability of most of what we do to sports performance.
I’d say based on the utilization I recommend in this post, sit-ups are probably not as bad as we think they are, if programmed with the right intent and progression in mind. That doesn’t mean I won’t be giving people 1000 situps per day for abs, but I can justify using a sit-up to improve motion.
Appreciate your comment and would love to hear your thoughts.