Movement Debrief Episode 68 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me.
Here is the set list:
- What is perfect posture?
- Why do extension-based exercises not improve posture?
- How does respiration impact default posture?
- Why would the back knee bend in a yoga pose when it needs to be straight?
- What is occurring when we see knee bend when the hip is placed into extension?
- What can we do to rectify this issue?
- What are my thoughts on the SFMA?
- Why do I not use the SFMA?
- What is my current thought process instead?
If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook . They air every Wednesday at 7pm CST.
and the audio version…
Here were the links I mentioned:
Check out Human Matrix promo video below
Below are some testimonials for the class
Want to sign up? Click on the following locations below:
December 8th-9th, Charleston, SC
February 2nd-3rd, 2019, New Providence, NJ (early bird ends January 4th)
A bunch of stuff on improving posture can be found here.
Here is a debrief on occlusion.
Below is a picture of the high lunge pose

Here is the hip separation debrief.
Below is an activity that I use to improve hip separation.
Here is the hip extension debrief.
Here is a prior podcast that I mentioned the SFMA on.
The Mechanisms of Manual Therapy in the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pain: A Comprehensive Model
Unraveling the Mechanisms of Manual Therapy: Modeling an Approach
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