Hip Flexion Biomechanics

Why hip flexion is SO much more than a sagittal plane movement You may think hip flexion is as easy as bringing your knee to your chest, but there is SO much more going on. In fact, the act of hip flexion has various rotational elements about it, and better understanding these elements can greatly enhance our exercise selection, helping our clients move and perform better.garageband Don’t worry fam, we get into the weeds and come out with an easy understanding of hip flexion in Movement Debrief Episode 160!

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Programming Accessory Exercises

Learn how to use specific accessory exercise positions to improve your movement and fitness Movement Debrief Episode 122 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the setlist: When would crawling be useful to program? When would dead bugs be useful to program? When would crab walks be useful to program? When would tall kneeling be useful to program? When would half-kneeling be useful to program? What are the benefits of hanging exercises?

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Interpreting Lower Body Assessments

How to go through common lower body assessments Movement Debrief Episode 114 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me.  Here is the setlist: What is hip flexion measuring? How can a wide and narrow infrasternal angle (ISA) be limited in hip flexion? What is the straight leg raise actually measuring? What mechanics go into a straight leg raise? Is there a way to self-measure the infrapubic angle (IPA)? What are the pro’s and con’s of active vs passive testing? How about comparing the obers test to the Gillet/reverse gillet?

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The Guide to Remote Coaching – Movement Debrief Episode 113

How to coach movement when you can’t in-person Movement Debrief Episode 113 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. You’ll also get modified transcripts for this one. That’s how much I care! Here is the setlist: Why should you consider remote consultations What are realistic expectations regarding a remote consultation business? What are the challenges of a remote consultation business? What does the remote consultation process look like? How do I screen for red flags? What remote assessments do I use? How does once coach someone remotely? How do I set up remote coaching classes with multiple people? What substitutes do I use when external load is not available?

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The Learning Process, The Axial Skeleton, and Squats – Rebel Performance Podcast

Are you struggling at structuring your learning? Or perhaps this whole inhalation and exhalation mechanics in regards to movement is confusing AF. Or maybe you are caught up in social media squat debates and don’t know what to believe anymore, or what is safe. If this sounds like you, then you’ll definitely want to check out this podcast I did on Rebel Performance. In it, we deep dive into all of these topics, and why it’s important for both your programming and that of your clients. I also make a surprise announcement on it 🙂

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Perfect Posture, Excessive Knee Bend, and SFMA – Movement Debrief Episode 68

Movement Debrief Episode 68 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: What is perfect posture? Why do extension-based exercises not improve posture? How does respiration impact default posture? Why would the back knee bend in a yoga pose when it needs to be straight? What is occurring when we see knee bend when the hip is placed into extension? What can we do to rectify this issue? What are my thoughts on the SFMA? Why do I not use the SFMA? What is my current thought process instead? If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook . They air every Wednesday at 7pm CST. Enjoy! and the audio version…                  Here were the links I mentioned: Check out Human Matrix promo video below Below are some testimonials for the class Want to sign up? Click on the following locations below: December 8th-9th, Charleston, SC February 2nd-3rd, 2019, New Providence, NJ (early bird ends January 4th) SIGN UP FOR THE REVOLUTION featuring myself, Pat Davidson, and Seth Oberst February 9th-10th in Boston. MA A bunch of stuff on improving posture can be found here. Here is a debrief on occlusion. Below is a picture of the high lunge pose Here is the hip separation debrief. Below is an activity that I use to improve hip separation. Here is the hip

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Hip Separation, Spinal Extension, and Too Much Serratus? Movement Debrief Episode 67

Movement Debrief Episode 67 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: What is hip separation? Why is hip separation necessary? How does one go about coaching hip separation? Do I teach clients to extend the spine? What is the role of serratus anterior? Can we have too much serratus anterior? What do we need for a good relationship between the scapula and the thorax? If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook . They air every Wednesday at 7pm CST. Enjoy! and the audio version…                  Here were the links I mentioned: Check out Human Matrix promo video below Below are some testimonials for the class Want to sign up? Click on the following locations below: Portland, OR on November 10-11  December 8th-9th, Charleston, SC (early bird ends November 11th) February 2nd-3rd, 2019, New Providence, NJ (early bird ends January 4th) SIGN UP FOR THE REVOLUTION featuring myself, Pat Davidson, and Seth Oberst February 9th-10th in Boston. MA Bill Hartman Lucy Hendricks Hip Extension Debrief Below is the wall stride technique Below is a picture of serratus anterior from a superior view Here’s a signup for my newsletter to get nearly 3 hours and 50 pages of content, a free acute:chronic workload calculator, basketball conditioning program, podcasts, and weekend learning goodies: [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Get learning goodies and more”]  

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