Movement Debrief Episode 85 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me.
Here is the set list:
- What is the relationship of mandibular in relation to the head and spine?
- What could be a negative consequence of the retruded mandible?
- What treatment strategies would you use to improve it?
- What is GIRD?
- Does my hierarchy for improving movement change with someone who has GIRD?
- How would you improve GIRD?
- How do I perform an assessment with a distance client?
If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook They air every Wednesday at 8:30pm CST. Enjoy!
and the audio version:

Table of Contents
Below are the links mentioned in the show notes
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Kinematics of the human mandible for different head postures.
Below is a picture of me…notice the forward head posture with mandibular retrusion:

Here is a link to me going through the normal respiratory mechanics of the spine.
Check out these debriefs:
Posterior tilting part 1 and part 2
Below is a move I like to work on mandibular opening and tongue mobility:
Glenohumeral Motion Deficits: Friend or Foe?
Below is the toe touch to squat. I assess it without the ball
Below is multisegmental extension