The Healthiest Home Office

What is the best home office set up for health and productivity? No doubt your virtual work has increased since COVID began, but should you spend more time sitting, standing, or even on the treadmill as you work? Unsure what equipment is going to keep you healthy, productive, and moving like a BOSS? Surprisingly, there is a TON of debate around what type of desk or sitting recommendation is most effective for health and work output. The winner isn’t clear cut. If you want to beef up your workspace, then Check out Movement Debrief Episode 137 below to learn how.

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Incorporating Breathing into Training

Struggle knowing where breathwork fits? You might be head over heels for all things breathing, but what if your clients aren’t? Maybe you are the person who struggles to get buy-in to breathing-based exercises? Or you are unsure where to put it into training. Or maybe you are looking for sneaky ways to incorporate the principles WITHOUT YOUR CLIENTS EVEN KNOWING. The biggest error peeps make incorporating breathwork into training is making it something separate.  In fact, looking at movement in this fashion is an all-encompassing model. Following principles that go BEYOND BREATHING is a major key. Don’t worry folks, we will go over those principles, and make it SUPER EASY to get your clients all the benefits with less pushback. Check out Movement Debrief Episode 136 below to learn how.

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Shoulder Flexion Troubleshooting

Can’t get overhead? Let’s figure out how! If you can raise your arm fully overhead WITHOUT compensating, don’t read any further! But if you are like most of us, reaching overhead probably draws its fair share of LOLZZZ. Yet raising your arm overhead is HELLA important for things like lifting weights, moving your neck freely, and even rotation through the ribcage.  So if ya ain’t got it, you might want to work on it! That’s why I put out this debrief for you that dives into mechanics, what directions to reach and clarifies any confusion that may surround arm elevation biomechanics.  Let’s channel our inner Josh Groban and raise you up (your arm that is).

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Functional Muscle Contractions

Compression, expansion, limitations, oh my! Have you ever wondered how muscle contractions impact movement? Or why in the hell we are using fancy terms like compression, expansion, all that mess? Or how does tissue tension create movement limitations? I get it, the terminology and stuff can be confusing AF, but passing that learning curve will allow you to: Figure out why movement limitations happen Better make decisions based on the infrasternal angle Determine how loading changes contractile orientations Are you ready to take your programming and exercise selection to the next level? Then check out Movement Debrief Episode 130!

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