Infrasternal Angle Updates, Flexion Intolerance, and Calves – Movement Debrief Episode 80

Movement Debrief Episode 80 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me.

Here is the set list:

  • Does the infrasternal angle (ISA) impact my decision-making?
  • What is the role of the ISA?
  • What should be done if pain is brought on by a pelvic tilt and exhalation?
  • What activities do I utilize to improve activity of the gastrocnemius and soleus?

If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook They air every Wednesday at 8:30pm CST.


and the audio version:

Zac Cupples iTunes

Below are the links mentioned in the show notes

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Or check out this little teaser for Human Matrix home study. Best part is if you attend the live course you’ll get this bad boy for free! 

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Bill Hartman

The torso integration hypothesis revisited in Homo sapiens: Contributions to the understanding of hominin body shape evolution

Here and here are some good debriefs on the infrasternal angle

Here and here are two solid debriefs on sacral counternutation

Here is a money debrief on restoring hip extension

Below are a few moves that I like to get dem calves

First, my marching progression

to something like wall triples

and eventually skips

Ben House

Also, here’s a little added bonus from my BA VA, Kris Camelio regarding disc bulges. He’s an all star PT student, and has the up and up on pathologies and whatnot:

Flexion *to original physiological neutral* for a true disc *bulge* should feel better. Of course, disc bulges typically have a lateral component because of the spinous process/vertebral body structure, and the presence of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament/central connective tissue thickening.

For a disc bulge, on the side of the radicular symptoms (or, perhaps, on the side of the radicular symptoms that are worse, or that appear to be excessively flexed or side-bent)— be sure to move *slowly* to the position of flexion/extension/sidebending, so as not to pinch any bulging/inflamed material. In this case, maintaining lordotic curve that avoids extreme end-ranges during these activities for lumbar disc bulging should be okay— and should minimize radicular symptoms.

Make sure your peeps have seen a medical professional to undergo a thorough eval, to rule out other potential, more serious causes of the radicular symptoms (e.g. space-occupying lesions, vertebral fractures, or legit sequestration of nuclear material) that certain exercise or activity choices could be making worse. So, at those specific levels that may be bulging, I would tend toward a neutral position, which is actually a position of slight extension. Once you find a (usually kinesthetic) cue that gets that particular segment to a comfortable position that isn’t re-creating radicular symptoms, then, if appropriate, proceed with the planned intervention— being careful to maintain a comfortable position at these vertebral segments, and, like Zac mentioned— dissociating movement at those particular segments from movement at the SIJ, lumbopelvic or thoracolumbar junctions. ✊.

Infrasternal Angle Updates

Flexion Intolerance
