Fix Duck Feet FAST (in 30 Days)

Say goodbye to “duck feet” with our easy-to-follow exercise guide! Learn the biomechanical reasons behind your outward-pointing feet and discover targeted exercises to improve hip and lower leg rotation. Start walking straighter and feeling better today with our effective mobility routines.

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Fix Posture and Muscle Imbalances FAST

Discover the ultimate guide to correcting posture and muscle imbalances quickly. Learn how to measure your body’s unique asymmetries and apply tailored exercises for both typical and flipped patterns, ensuring a balanced, pain-free posture. Embrace a personalized approach to enhance your body’s symmetry today!

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Fix Everything in 30 Days

Feeling stiff and achy all over? Before you dive into a complex 10-step program for each pain point, let’s simplify. Discover five foundational exercises that can transform how you move and feel in just two weeks. No more playing the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz – it’s time to get moving!”

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5 Exercises That Fix It All

Unlock your movement potential with these five fundamental exercises designed to enhance mobility and reduce pain. From the Calcaneal Traction Roll to the Wall Squat with Low Reach, these simple yet effective moves are the building blocks to a more mobile and pain-free life. Each exercise is explained in detail, complete with step-by-step instructions and common mistakes to avoid. Master these basics before moving on to more complex exercises, and experience the difference in your mobility journey.

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3 Exercises That Fix 90% of Problems

THIS is why you’re so darn stiff Ever wake up feeling like a stiff robot (not the cool dancing kind)? Or deal with aches and pains impacting life? Know what’s frustrating? If it’s not pain from trauma or serious pathology, rarely do we know what causes pain. What do we do then? If we don’t know, it’s hard to figure out how to improve our movement and comfort. But I got your back (even if it’s not low back pain). I’m about to reveal one culprit responsible for 90% of the pain and movement issues seen out there. You won’t just get the cause either, but the solution.

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Breathing This Way UNLOCKS Mobility Everywhere!

This will kick EVERY mobility drill up a notch Feel like stretching and mobility drills are falling short? There’s a key piece you might be missing: breathing. But not any old way to breathe. In fact, one specific method can significantly improve your flexibility and mobility. You’ll learn EXACTLY what this is in this post. Check out the blog, video, and podcast below to learn it!

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Top 10 Exercises of 2021

Exercises that’ll improve your movement and get you stronger! If you’ve spent one second on my Youtube channel (and the new exercise channel), you’ll notice there are a boatload of exercises on there, with little guidance as to which are best. Admittedly, some are duds, some work better than others. But instead of relying on my own judgment to tell you what rocks and doesn’t, who better to ask than the fam? Exercises are by far the most popular piece of my weekend goodies, which is why I’ve made a top 10 list of the most popular exercises of 2021 If you want a deep dive into new moves that I’m using on the regular, then you’ll want to sign up for my newsletter. Just about every Friday, you’ll get free goodies that range from exercises, to cool articles and podcasts, and more. ALL FREE! 

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