Every week, my newsletter subscribers get links to some of the goodies that I’ve come across on the internets.
Here were the goodies that my peeps got their learn on in June.
If you want to get a copy of my weekend learning goodies every Friday, fill out the form below. That way you can brag to all your friends about the cool things you’ve learned over the weekend.
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Table of Contents
You Need Nature – Biggest Lesson of the Month
As I’ve gotten busier with this online thing, the one thing that I neglected doing on a regular basis was getting outside. Being out in nature.
The last couple weeks, I decided to buck this trend, and for good reason.

Nature is something we need,as evident by this article and the good stuff on forest bathing. There are several health benefits from being in nature, but what has helped me the most is disconnecting. Being on the blog forces me to be on technology. A lot. It was so nice to get off that for awhile, and it’s something I hope to incorporate more on a regular basis.
Do you spend time in nature? Where do you like to go? Comment below and let the fam know.
Personal Development
It’s time to imbalance work/life balance
I’ve never been a fan of work/life balance, and this article confirms my bias 🙂
In this article, they advocate that your work should not be something you dread, but an integral part of your life. They have a useful exercise for helping build your work into a job you desire; all it takes is a week and a notepad.
Does your personality affect your body type?
Can your body type influence your personality? This article thinks so.
Here, they discuss how your size and build can influence whether or not you are extroverted, your political views, and more. We may be more influenced by genetics than you think.
No, you don’t have a type
Ever said that someone is not your type? Or you aren’t someone’s type? Think again. This article suggests that the beholder can change their definition of beauty instantly; potentially caused by the internet! Wait until you hear about how online dating screws with your brain.
Don’t know how to manage money? Here’s help
We talk a lot about various aspects of health, but rarely is financial health taken into consideration. Where in the heck do you start learning the essential steps needed to get your finances on point?
Ramit Sethi is one of those peeps who has resonated with me, and he just came out with the second edition of his great book, “I Will Teach You to Be Rich.” I am loving what I’m seeing so far from the updates, so you’ll definitely want to give it a shot!

Do you live for your work? You may want to reconsider
If you are a workaholic like me, you definitely need to read this article by my homegirl Lucy Hendricks (or as she prefers, Lu Hen). You may want to start living a little!
Here, she outlines her story of how she lost a job, and the progressive downward spiral that occurred because she had little outside of that. I empathize with her for many reasons. There is hope, however, as Lucy discusses, and I love the tips she gives to help build your life outside of work.
Change the way you approach your life
I’m really digging this podcast featuring Naval Ravinkant, an investor who has an incredibly unique outlook on life, and will make you rethink the way you approach living. It was a profound conversation that I think you’ll love.
You’ve hit a milestone…now what?
Do you ever reach a major goal, and get let down because those feelings of happiness don’t last as long as you thought they would?
I hit that big time when I paid off my student loans. It was a few days of euphoria, then I was stressing about the next financial goal I had.
Turns out, we aren’t crazy, as this post and this post illustrate what this phenomenon is, and what to do about it to minimize the ill effects.
Health & Wellness
Can’t get to bed early? Then take more breaks
Stay up late because you never get “me” time? Then this post is for you.
Here, they outline why it’s important to take frequent breaks throughout the day, and how that can be a method to ensuring you get to sleep at a reasonable time.
What losing 16 minutes of sleep can do
Go to bed just a hair later than usual? It may impact more than you think, so says this article which outlines a couple different studies looking at sleep deprivation.
Their simple fix? Set a certain time to shut off the phones and computer work.
Want all the ins and outs on the deadlift? Here’s your post
Lucy Hendricks (aka LuHen) put out this incredibly thorough deadlift post, which highlights why she waits to teach the deadlift, all the potential compensations, and a great sequential process for getting the most out of this excellenet lift.
You Can Teach a Workout Junkie Technique Tricks
Do you struggle getting someone who just wants a workout to buy-in to moving well? Lance Goyke offers creative solutions to this problem. Be ready to get your education skillzzz on point, fam!
What happens to the pelvis during a hinge
I recently read this article which looks at pregnant women “squatting” and measured what the pelvic dynamics looks like during the course of the movement.
If you look at the squat, it turns out, they weren’t squatting at all. The motion looks incredibly hingy; almost box squat-like, which illustrated what happens to the pelvis during a hinge like action.

Feeling dizzy? Go through this checklist
Helping people with dizziness has never been my strongest suit, which is why I found this guide by my homegirl Aline Thompson incredibly useful.
Here, she goes through all the potential causes for dizziness, and which questions to ask to determine which potential things could be causing dizziness.
Get prescribed a procedure? Better check the evidence
Do you think your physician is giving you a treatment that corresponds with the best evidence. You may want a second and third opinion, as this article highlights how many practitioners are utilizing interventions that are no longer supported by the evidence…despite knowing what the evidence states.
Though this article seems fatalistic, I felt hopeful for our professions that promote health and wellness. One of my favorite quotes by an MD from the article: “If we really wanted to make a big impact on a large number of people…we’d be doing a lot more diet and exercise and lifestyle stuff. That was by far the hardest thing for me to conceptually appreciate before I really started looking at studies critically.”
Need a boost of happiness? Then listen to this
There are some albums that just stick with you, and one of those albums for me is Connected by The Foreign Exchange. I first heard this album when I moved to Arizona back in 2013, and if I am ever having a down moment this album will give me an immediate boost. Amazing lyricism and vocals coupled with crafty and upbeat rhythms puts this in one of my top 10 albums ever.
The best songs are Happiness, Nic’s Groove, Be Alright, and The Answer.
A Gangsta Gibbs remix
Freddie Gibb’s is one of my favorite rappers out there, and his album Pinata is easily in my top 5 albums ever, which is why I was juiced up to here the Alex Goose remix of the same album. Though you absolutely cannot beat the Madlib instrumentals and sound, this mix is a nice change of pace. Listen to Deep Fa show.