I Stopped Doing This Exercise FOR GOOD

ver tried the 90-90 exercise and wondered if there’s a better way to improve your mobility? 🤔 Well, you’re in luck! Dive into our latest blog post where we break up with the 90-90 and explore some exciting new moves that could be your perfect match. 💔➡️💖 Discover why the 90-90 might not be the best starting point, learn about the supine hip extension and hook lying moves, and find out how to reintroduce the 90-90 into your routine (with a twist!). It’s time to shake up your mobility game and fall in love with movement all over again. 💃🕺

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5 Exercises That Fix It All

Unlock your movement potential with these five fundamental exercises designed to enhance mobility and reduce pain. From the Calcaneal Traction Roll to the Wall Squat with Low Reach, these simple yet effective moves are the building blocks to a more mobile and pain-free life. Each exercise is explained in detail, complete with step-by-step instructions and common mistakes to avoid. Master these basics before moving on to more complex exercises, and experience the difference in your mobility journey.

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4 Exercises That Fix 90% of Shoulder Pain

That NO ONE looks at Almost all painful shoulders neglect improving mobility in 1 key area. An area that services as the foundation for shoulder girdle function. The ribcage. That’s right, your ribcage isn’t only there to protect your vital organs. It’s the shoulder girdle’s base. Improve the dynamics of this area, and most of those common shoulder issues will vanish. Want to learn how? Check out the blog, video, and podcast below.

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This INSTANTLY Improves Your Pushups

99% of people miss this on a pushup Pushups are a classic exercise. They can do so much: But there’s a problem. Almost 99% of the people I coach through pushups are forgetting to do 1 key thing. if you can add this to your pushup, you’ll get SO much more out of the exercise. It’ll cook the muscles harder, make pushups more comfortable, AND better improve mobility. Read the blog, watch the video, and listen to the podcast to learn what that fix exactly is.

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This Warmup is for EVERYTHING

This hits all the major areas Is this your warmup? If that sounds familiar, then you are missing something crucial. Something that could improve your performance and reduce injury risk. But does that mean we need a specific warmup for every activity? No, there are three essential components to consider for any warmup. In this blog post, we will discuss these three components of an effective warmup. Not only that, but I’ll show you the warm-up I use for many of my clients. Read the post, watch the video, and listen to the podcast to learn about it.

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99% of Leg Exercises are Missing This

Nailing this one thing changes lower body exercises forever Spending hours doing mobility drills to get loose, but not seeing lasting results? You might be missing something. That changes today. There’s one key thing that can AMPLIFY pretty much all lower body mobility drills. But that’s not all. Nailing this piece can also improve your force production like never before. What is it? Check out the video, podcast, and blog below to learn.

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Don’t Ever Squat This Way

The worst way to squat Are you confused about how to squat properly? You may have heard that squatting below parallel with your knees over your toes is harmful. But is this really true? In this blog post, we’ll explore the science behind squatting. You’ll learn how to improve your squats to make them more effective and comfortable. Read on, watch the video, and listen to the podcast to learn about it!

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The Only Thing You Need to Fix Tight Calves

The real reason your calves are always tight Are you tired of feeling like you’re walking around with bricks attached to your legs? Do your calves feel tight even when you’re just living life? If so, you might have thought that stretching would be the solution, but think again. There’s a different reason and a better solution that will take care of those tight calves for good! Check out this blog post, video, and podcast to learn about it.

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The REAL Reason Your Back Hurts on Squats

This is how you reduce arching your back Squats can build MASSIVE legs, but not if you ONLY feel back, hip, and knee pain during. Are you someone who… – Can’t squat deep. Like…at all – Arch your back like CRAZY? If so, then addressing these issues can help you get so much more out of the squat. And the fix isn’t just flexing your back and hoping for the best. Instead, you have to look at the REAL reason why a deep arch in the lower back during squats occurs. Once you know the why, then you can determine the how. I’ll give you both of those in today’s post. Check out the post and video below to learn about it.

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Curing Split Squat Knee Pain FAST!

The Split Squat ESSENTIALS You Are Missing You’ve mastered the split squat form, but you’re still getting knee pain during? Did you ever think that maybe your split squat technique is NOT the issue? Maybe you’re focusing on the wrong things. Don’t worry, I’ll show you the right drills to shift your efforts towards. I’m going to give you the 3 drills that will loosen up your hips, strengthen your knees, and reduce knee pain during split squats. And make sure to stick around until the end because I’ve got a little present for you to try afterward.

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Tense Muscle RELIEF – 5 easy exercises

This move will reduce muscular tension throughout the body Do you ever feel tightness or tension anywhere that foam rolling and stretching WON’T TOUCH? Then maybe those things aren’t the answer. Maybe there is a different way. A way that can reduce tension throughout your ENTIRE body. That key? Learning to move without tension. This post will teach you 5 exercises that will help you achieve this skill, and why it works.  The best part? I recruited Lucy Hendricks, an AMAZING trainer, to help show us how to do it. Check it out below!

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Hip Hinge FIX in 3 Steps

If you nail these three keys, you’ll deadlift better than ever before Hinging exercises (aka deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, etc) can provide a TON of benefits for improving mobility, lower body strength, and power. IF You can perform these moves with great technique. But if you are someone whose technique is meh and you feel all lower back and minimal torching of the glutes and hamstrings, then you might not be getting the most out of this awesome exercise. Folks, what I’ve found is there are three keys to performing the hinge well. If you can hit these three components, there’s a good chance that you’ll: Increase how much the glutes and hamstrings work Improve your hip range of motion Feel a whole lot less low back discomfort Want to learn how? Check out the post and video below.

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