September in Review

Every week, my newsletter subscribers get links to some of the goodies that I’ve come across on the internets.

Here were the goodies that my peeps got their learn on from this past August.

If you want to get a copy of my weekend learning goodies every Friday, fill out the form below.  That way you can brag to all your friends about the cool things you’ve learned over the weekend.

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Biggest Lesson of the Month

Much of our successes and failures can be linked back to the habits we have. I noticed many times this past month that ineffective habits I had picked up were hampering my progress and productivity. One simple change (eliminating a to-do list, blocking out time to do things) was a complete game changer for me.

If you are doing something you don’t like, how do your habits keep you falling into that trap?

Quote of the Month

“Quality is not an act. It is a habit.” ~ Aristotle

Very much linked to the above lesson. We need quality to become automatic, and who better to illustrate this than an O.G. like Aristotle.

Hike of the Month

Pictures never do these things justice.

This was a tough decision to make on multiple fronts. This month I hiked four National Parks, saw a National Monument, and did all types of ill stuff.

Though Sequoia National Park will forever hold a dear place in my heart, Yosemite was hands down one of the most impressive things I’ve ever seen. The variety of terrain, the challenge of the 18+ miles I hiked, and the #views are hard to beat. I go back and forth on if I liked Yosemite or Zion better. But regardless, you should probably check it out.


Quick Hit: Sprinting Tip

Here I discuss my favorite sprinting cue that I learned from my boy Derek Hansen. If there is one cue you could give to make your peeps faster, this is it.

Podcast: 20 Tips for Young Coaches

I wish I had this podcast when I was first starting out. My boi Mike Robertson lists several high quality tips that young coaches should apply to get the most out of many things–internships, networking, life. These tips are really good for anyone to apply in any situation.

Quick Hit: How to Lateral Shuffle

The lateral shuffle is a fundamental move that most any athlete ought to perform effectively. Here I provide my how-to’s and favorite cues…all in under 60 seconds #niccagestyle

Not to be confused with the equally impressive truffle shuffle

Article: ‘Science’ and the Barbell Hip Thrust

Doug Kechijian just continues to destroy the internet. In this article, he uses recent research on the hip thrust to critique a larger problem in science and performance–transfer-ability. Many times we argue about minutiae, when we really need to validate broader scope problems more effectively. Who better to discuss this issue than my buddy Douglas.

Quick Hit: Landing Mechanics 101

This past week’s quick hit goes into detail on how I coach landing mechanics, perhaps the most important piece to jumping safely and effectively. There are three keys to effective landing. What are those? Well, check out the vid.

Podcast: Bill Hartman on Building a Powerful and Pain-free Body After 40 

There is a reason why Daddy-o pops is such a huge part of my life. Besides being an incredible human being, every time I listen to him I pick up something new. In this podcast Bill goes into detail on the importance of routines, and he gives a sneak preview of his new book (out September 15th), going into detail on the principles he employs to building fitness post-injury. Also, if you want his book, click here.

 Quick Hit: Modifying Exercise Tip

If you hurt, the thing to do is to stop all movement right?!? WRONG.  A more prudent method is to find a different variation of a movement that gets the goal you want but doesn’t hurt. Here is an example


Research: On the (f)Utility of Pain

After I finished this article I was like “damn.” I think so many times as clinicians we chase pain relief for pain relief’s sake, without considering if the patient is truly suffering. I think about how many times I’ve been a part of the problem, even when trying to provide the solution. This one will definitely make you think.

Blog: How to Read and Understand Scientific Research

Chris Kresser again with another gem (long road trips tend to have me consume a lot of info from one source). Here CK goes over many practical tips towards being an effective consumer and appraiser of the research. If you think research is tough to understand in rehab and performance, don’t even think about looking at nutrition. Yuck.

Podcast: Trever Rappa and Greg Spatz on Streamlining Rehab and Performance 

My two baby boys have grown up so fast! It is so refreshing to hear two well-respected physical therapists discuss expanding the PT scope into aggressive fitness. I love how both of these guys espouse not making injured people seem fragile, but always pushing intensity. The more you can expose someone to intensity, the easier return to performance becomes. We can’t just stop at success on the table.

You can see the family resemblance

Research: Nociception Affects Motor Output – A Review on Sensory Motor Interaction with Focus on Clinical Implications

This article was just absolutely awesome. In it the authors explain how nociception, both acute and chronic, impacts motor control both short and long term. They also sprinkle in some really cool things with the sympathetic nervous system and movement variability. These are all reasons why we cannot ignore nociceptive drive in chronic pain states.

Blog: Travel PT 101 – What is Travel Therapy

If you are a PT, unattached, have a crap ton of student loans, and like adventures, you should strongly consider travel PT. Traveling makes it feel like you are on vacation the entire time you are on assignment, and it feels good to actually make a dent on student loans. Here are all your questions, answered.

Health & Wellness

Podcast: RHR: All About Coffee

For those of us who are coffee lovers; you are welcome. In this podcast my man Chris Kresser discusses all the amazing health benefits of drinking copious amounts of coffee. Wait until you here him compare the antioxidant values to some of those highly touted antioxidant fruits. #mindblown.

Quick Hit: Travel Tips

While we can often talk about how to time sleep, supplementation, and such with travel, one thing often not discussed is what equipment you should bring when you travel. Having the right stuff can make travel much less stressful. What stuff? Check out the vid to find out.

E-Book: Genetics – The Universe Within

I’m excited for this read, as I recently got some genetic testing done. Going through this one to get some clarification as to what the results mean, but the folks at PN always do some good work.

Personal Development

Blog: 5 Time-Saving Productivity Hacks, Reviewed

This is a blog I’ve just been getting into, but they came through with a clutch post on ways to be more productive. Amazing how effective meditation was; something I may have to revisit.

Pointy hat a must

Podcast: Setting Goals, Making Money, and Overcoming Tough Times – Phil Hellmuth

This podcast took me back to the days I was obsessed with poker. In this wonderful Tim Ferriss podcast, world class poker player Phil Hellmuth discusses many of the trial, tribulations, successes, and failures he has come across in his life. Many words of wisdom were had. Making my goal sheet now!

Blog: Don’t Forget the Second Step

Seth Godin writes daily little blurbs that are often quite profound and helpful in terms of all things marketing, business, and life.

This post is no different. Here Seth talks about step one, which is learning how to do something. Most people get only that far, and never hit step two. What’s step two? Read to find out.

Blog: The Success is in the Struggle

This blog really hit home for me. After getting let go from my NBA gig, I spent a great deal of time evaluating things I needed to change about myself. This is a hard conversation to have with yourself, but can often by life changing. Here Eric Cressey talks about his life changing conversation that made him the great coach that he is.

Book: I Will Teach You to be Rich

Ramit Sethi does an excellent job providing simple, yet effective financial device. I’ve been reading this book a bit slow, but applying every single lesson he’s recommended in each chapter with outstanding results. I was able to convince my credit card company to up my limit, give me 0% APR for a year, and doubled my interest rate on my savings account just by following these steps. Definitely a worthwhile read.

Blog: The Top 5 Reasons to Be a Jack of All Trades

Tim Ferriss has really impressed upon me the importance of having a broad skillset. Mastery, or even competency, doesn’t take that long to achieve. A bit of focused study, and you will have most of what you need to be successful at your craft. This is why I am expanding my learning into areas such as sleep, nutrition, and more.

Blog: These 55 Productivity Tips Will Save You 1,000 Hours

Insidehook is a site I’ve been checking out for a good while, as it contains a lot of good things ranging from style to productivity. Many good gems in this post, especially the email stuff.


Music: Incubus “8”

Incubus is one of my favorite rock bands, as I just love how diverse their sound is. And it seems like they rarely fail with their experiments.

This album goes a little back to some rock roots, and man does it have some heft to it. I trained to this when I first heard it, and I’m pretty sure my arm circumference increased by 3 inches…even though I was training legs!

Give “No Fun” and “Nimble Bastard” a listen

Which goodies did you find useful? Comment below and let me know what you think.


Photo Credits

Matt Brown
