Every week, my newsletter subscribers get links to some of the goodies that I’ve come across on the internets.
Here were the goodies that my peeps got their learn on in March.
If you want to get a copy of my weekend learning goodies every Friday, fill out the form below. That way you can brag to all your friends about the cool things you’ve learned over the weekend.
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Table of Contents
Biggest Lesson of the Month
My treatment process. It comes down to really a few simple rules:
- Alter respiration to the opposite strategy that one is currently using
- Put joints into positions they cannot attain
- If joints get into positions they shouldn’t be able to attain, the go the opposite direction
If you put your assessment against these axioms, then you’ll be surprised at how simple exercise programming can be done.
Quote of the Month
“There I go. Turn the Page.” ~Bob Seger
I’ve spent the last 10 months in Page, America, on my first gig in travel PT. Done a lot of hiking, met some great people, and hit a decent debt on my student loans. It’s crazy to think how fast time goes by, and I’m excited for the next journey.

Health and Wellness
Get some sun will ya?!
Is getting sunlight good or bad for you? Do you risk getting cancer or vitamin D deficiency? Dr. Michael Ruscio had a great post on what the real risks are of sun exposure.
In this post, he debunks a lot of the myths surrounding sun exposure, as well as how vitamin D alone is not the only reason why the sun is valuable.
Don’t drink the water…
How many times do you hear that we need to drink more water? How often is that the first thing we tell clients?
Robb Wolf’s most recent post absolutely demolishes this common advice, and shows not only how this is terrible advice, but what needs to be done instead.
The myth of sex drive
Yes. You read that correctly.
I was recently gifted “Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life” by Emily Nagoski, and I was amazed at how many sexual myths like the one above that this great read dispelled.
Much of the perspective of this book is told in relation to females (any way I can better understand them is good), but is a recommended read for both sexes.
Some of my favorite topics included what arousal actually is, the difference between the sexes in terms of arousal, what is orgasm, and so much more. I strongly recommend this book.
Personal Development
Attention span dwindling? Learn how to increase it
Again, my boi Eric Barker kills it with his post on how to increase attention span.
Not only does Eric go over tips to improve your attention, but he also goes a bit into the neuroscience as to why attention is so short. You can’t blame your phones anymore kids.

If you want to relate to people better, check this out
I’ve read a little bit of John Gottman’s work, but my boi Eric Barker sums up many of his keys to relating to people in his most recent post.
Many of the tenets in his post transcend relationships, but people in general. Many of the questions Eric mentions—what are your dreams, tell me about your childhood—are common questions I ask most people who I want to know deeply.
Definitely check this out to up your relatability game.
Some major keys to saving for retirement
Want to save for retirement but don’t know where to start? Or think you’ll put that off and take care of it later? Then you should probably read this comprehensive retirement post that Ramit Sethi put out.
In this post, Ramit goes over just how much money we need to save for retirement, the difference between an IRA and 401k, and so much more.
I put off retirement saving a bit longer than I should, and I wish I had come across this sooner.
Become a better communicator
Brett Bartholomew did a guest post on Eric Cressey’s site, which talked about 5 tips to enhancing coach to athlete communication. The tips are simple, but so underutilized that they need to be said.
My favorite tip? Listening. When you make a concerted effort to listen to other people, you’d be amazed both at what people will tell you, and how poorly most people do at listening.
There is no learning style
Think you are a visual learner? WRONG!
This article dispels the learning style myth, demonstrating how bad extrapolations from the research perpetuate myths as to how our brains work. Learning styles are like the abdominal draw-in maneuver of neuroscience in this case (#shotsfired)
The less glamorous side of working in pro sports
Man, did Sean Light hit what working in pro sports is like.
In this post, Sean goes over all the things he learned while working in the NBA. So many points hit home for me, and you realize that much of it is not glamorous. It’s not you having all the autonomy in the world. It’s you doing what is best for the athlete in front of you based on a lot of people making decisions.
Some excellent pressing cues
Lucy Hendricks posted this great 10 minute video going through how she coaches and progresses through pressing variations.
Lucy goes through many of the common pressing mistakes, and masterfully uses her coaching skills to help her clients take cues easy.
My favorite cue? Balancing the glass of wine on the fist.

Never miss a Pat Davidson Interview
Pat Davidson was recently interviewed on Tony Gentilcore’s site, where he discusses why Mass 1 and Mass 2 came about.
What was even more fascinating, and increased my already high respect for Pat, was the addictions and trials that Pat has overcome in his life to get where he is at today. Definitely read the interview and lend your support his way so he keeps putting out bomb material.
Do you really need to stretch?
Daddy-O Pops Bill Hartman had a great thread on Facebook regarding post-workout stretching.
Bill laid out a lot of potential benefits in regards to stretching, with absolutely none of them being related to increasing flexibility. Because, you know, flexibility is overrated, fam!
Some worthwhile keys to being a good clinician from Dr. James Andrews
Man, ma G Mike Reinold put out an excellent post on lessons learned from Dr. James Andrews.
Yes, arguably the most famous ortho today. Many of the tenets have nothing to do with medicine, but with patient interaction and being a consummate professional. I’ve been guilty of not practicing a lot of these, and many of these lessons hit home for me. I need to get better.
Learn why we have clavicles…from dogs?!?!
Daddy-O Pops continues to destroy with content, this time describing why dogs do not have clavicles and we do.
The spokes on a bike analogy is absolute money for understanding why clavicles exist.
Elzhi + Khrysis = amazing
You cats may have never heard of either of these folks, but you’ll definitely want to give Jericho Jackson a listen.
Elzhi is a deceptively underrated rapper, who sounds and looks an awful lot like Nas. His smooth flow over Khryisis beats makes for incredible listening.
Songs I’d check out would be Breguets, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Cuffin’ Season, and Seventeen.
One of the best hip hop albums ever just came out
Royce da 5’9″ and DJ Premier might be the most important hip hop duo right now, and they just released their second incredible album, PRhyme 2.
What PRhyme does is take one artist, sample the hell out of them DJ Premier style, and Royce then blesses the mic with lyrics. The social commentary, recognizing the old vs new style of rap, and sheer braggadocio is second to none. I’ve never heard Royce rap the way he did on this album.
The whole album is great, but my top 3 tracks are Rock It, Made Man, and Era.

Phonte for the win
A cat you probably never heard of, but definitely one of my favorite rapper/singers of all time, Phone, released No News is Good News, an incredible album.
It’s a short one, but has quite a few good songs. My favorites include those that feature my boi Freddie Gibbs and other boi Eric Roberson. Check out Change of Mind and Find
Royce is one of my top rappers (probably in the top 5), and he just dropped this unreal freestyle on Funkmaster Flex.
Nothing more needs to be said, just give it a listen will ya?!?!?!
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