Reaching: Theory and Practice

Learn how reaching and improve upper body mobility Movement Debrief Episode 116 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the setlist: How does airflow change at various reaching angles? How does airflow change with trunk rotation? What is the scapular orientation during shoulder extension? How does one with a posterior thorax tilt present? How do different carry variations impact airflow?  How does forearm supination and pronation impact reaching? How can we sequence carries in a manner that allows for maximal airflow expansion? How can you tell if someone is using a compensatory strategy when they are lifting weights?

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Infrasternal Angle Compensations and Treatments

A deep dive into the infrasternal angle Movement Debrief Episode 115 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the setlist: What are the primary compensatory strategies with a wide and narrow infrasternal angle? What would be secondary compensations seen with these infrasternal angles? What test results would each infrasternal angle have? What exercises should be programmed for inhalation and exhalation strategies? What is the upper thorax presentation for each infrasternal angle? What exhalation strategies should each infrasternal angle use? Are there times it’s okay to deviate from these strategies?

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Infrasternal Angle Development, Quads are Overrated, and Are You Really a Complex Patient? Movement Debrief Episode 86

Movement Debrief Episode 86 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: What is likely causing someone to be predisposed to having a particular infrasternal angle? Why do you value the hamstrings over quads early in an ACL repair? When do you target quads and knee extension? Mick Hughes says he’d incorporate knee extension as early as 4 weeks post-op and constantly emphasise the importance of the quads. What’s your take on that? How many people are truly complex cases? Zebras?

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Pecs, Extreme Postures, and Foam Rolling – Movement Debrief Episode 81

Movement Debrief Episode 81 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: Are pecs still useful in improving lower thorax variability? Do you still use pec squeezes in treatment? With extreme kyphosis or thoracic spine flattening, what test results are expected? What treatment recommendations are there for these posture types? Should visual postural changes be expected in these folks? Is self-myofascial release useful?

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