Movement Debrief Episode 52 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me.
Here is the set list:
- What is a rib flare?
- How can rib flares be improved?
- What is the posterior mediastinum?
- What is moving when we seek posterior thorax expansion?
- What tests and interventions can be used in regards to posterior thorax expansion?
- How far have we come from the FMS/SFMA?
- What have we learned from the FMS/SFMA?
- What should we be addressing now instead of the FMS/SFMA?
If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook or Instagram.They air every Wednesday at 7pm CST.
and the audio version…
Here were the links I mentioned:
Sign-up for the Human Matrix in Seattle, WA on September 15-16th here
Sign up for the Human Matrix in Kansas City, KS on October 27-28th here
Sign-up for the Human Matrix in Portland, OR on November 10-11 here
Here is a move for a narrow infrasternal angle
a wide infrasternal angle
An asymmetrical infrasternal angle
Mechanics of the respiratory muscles
Here is the posterior thorax expansion activity I like courtesy of Lucy Hendricks.
Here’s a signup for my newsletter to get nearly 3 hours and 50 pages of content, a free acute:chronic workload calculator, basketball conditioning program, podcasts, and weekend learning goodies:
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Table of Contents
Zac, what do you think of decline press or fly for narrow ISA? When I look at the attachments of those fibers it looks like the best one’s to go after.
Hey Mark,
It would depend on what the scaps are doing. If you are locking them down on the bench, may not be as effective. But I’m cool with either, just haven’t used them personally.
Appreciate your contribution