Movement Debrief Episode 103 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me.
Here is the set list:
- What are the inhaled and exhaled orientations of the pelvis?
- What movement strategies would you use to improve dynamics of each orientation?
- How often is each orientation found?
- Why might clients feel lower back weakness?
- Is there a time when you work on lower back strength?
- How do you educate clients who say they have lower back weakness?
- What are some of the key financial areas to focus on as a new grad?
- What are some good financial resources?
If you want to watch these live, add me on Instagram. They air every Wednesday at 7:30pm CST. Enjoy!
and the audio version:

Table of Contents
Below are the links mentioned in the show notes
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How to Deadlift: A Movement Deep Dive
Pelvic Dynamics
Can you explain spinal and pelvic inhalation and exhalation in reference client position strategies and exercise choices. (If you are elevating heels for lifts with clients who need ROM and more inhalation strategies…what modifications do you use for clients that are more inhale based?)
Lower Back Weakness
Lord Zed, my smooth headed movement master Debrief question: From time to time I get “my lower back is weak” from new clients. Most of the time I find it’s more to do with not being able to squat/hinge effectively or find their abs, but is there a scenario where you would recommend a non-athlete to work on lower back strength?
I passed my CSCS and am a licensed PTA! I’ll be doing some online training / local stuff on the side. With all that and the fun student loans that’ll be kicking in soon, I’ve been doing a lot of budgeting. I saw in a podcast with you and Michelle Boland that you spoke of expensing certain things with taxes and some spreadsheets you’ve got going. I’m looking to get on your level, brotha. Could you recommend some financial books, articles, etc. that may help a new grad? Any specific things I should focus on besides paying loans off ASAP? I appreciate any insight you have. Thanks a ton, Zac.
Photo credit: wellcome images
Awesome fitness analogies aimed at finances.
Thought you’d appreciate it my dude