The WORST Thing You Can Do for Tight Hamstrings

A better solution for tight hamstrings If you often feel that your hamstrings are tight, your first thought might be to stretch them more. But what if you’re someone who can easily touch the floor with your palms? Or maybe you are SUPER stiff and stretching just doesn’t work. Stretching may not be the solution. Especially when all that does is improve stretch tolerance. So what is? We’ll explore that in this post. You’ll learn why hamstring stretching may not work for everyone. Best yet, I’ll provide alternative strategies to relieve tension and improve flexibility. Read, watch, listen, and learn below!

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99% of Leg Exercises are Missing This

Nailing this one thing changes lower body exercises forever Spending hours doing mobility drills to get loose, but not seeing lasting results? You might be missing something. That changes today. There’s one key thing that can AMPLIFY pretty much all lower body mobility drills. But that’s not all. Nailing this piece can also improve your force production like never before. What is it? Check out the video, podcast, and blog below to learn.

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Don’t Ever Squat This Way

The worst way to squat Are you confused about how to squat properly? You may have heard that squatting below parallel with your knees over your toes is harmful. But is this really true? In this blog post, we’ll explore the science behind squatting. You’ll learn how to improve your squats to make them more effective and comfortable. Read on, watch the video, and listen to the podcast to learn about it!

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The Only Thing You Need to Fix Tight Calves

The real reason your calves are always tight Are you tired of feeling like you’re walking around with bricks attached to your legs? Do your calves feel tight even when you’re just living life? If so, you might have thought that stretching would be the solution, but think again. There’s a different reason and a better solution that will take care of those tight calves for good! Check out this blog post, video, and podcast to learn about it.

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Anterior Pelvic Tilt – Fix it for Good

Is anterior pelvic tilt something I NEED to fix? If you’ve ever thought you have an anterior pelvic tilt, you’ve definitely heard it all: Confusing, right? What is the answer? What do we do about this common (and normal) postural presentation? The answer lies within this post. Check out the blog, video, and podcast below to learn more.

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The Overpronation Hoax (and the truth)

You MUST pronate, here’s why Think you’re a victim of overpronation – the evil villain in the world of foot mechanics? Think again. I’m here to expose the truth… Overpronation is nothing more than a myth! In this blog, you’ll learn why that is and why you actually need to learn how to pronate well. Let’s dive in.

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Split Squats | Front vs Rear Foot Elevated (The REAL Difference)

Programming and coaching of each variation Front and rear foot elevated split squats–often programmed, but why? In fact, there are KEY reasons why one version might be better than the other. What are these reasons? That’s what we will outline in today’s post. Not only will you learn the key differences between each, but also how to coach these exercises to maximally reap their benefits. Check out the video and blog below to learn more.

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Split Squats – The 1 KEY to Make it Glute or Quad Dominant

This minor split squat tweak can lead to MAJOR changes By changing one small thing, split squats can become COMPLETELY different exercises. Working different muscles and exploring different ranges of motion. But what is that one thing? That’s what you’ll learn with this post. Here, we will dive into: – Split squat biomechanics – How to DRASTICALLY alter loading between quads and hamstring – How to MASTER technique to CRUSH lower body gains Watch the video and read the post below to learn about it.

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Split Squats – Only Feeling the Back Leg (FIX)

Troubleshooting when you don’t feel the front leg working Split squats are an awesome exercise to build the legs, but not if you are ONLY feeling the back leg working. Why is it that the back leg is working so hard? Is there any way to fix this common issue on split squats? YES. In this post, you’ll learn why the back leg often gets overworked on split squats and what you can do about it! Watch the video and read the blog below to learn!

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The Flat Foot Fix

These movements will help you restore your foot arch If you have a flat foot, you may notice you also present with some of the following things: Feeling “stuck” in an anterior pelvic tilt/deep low back arch Your knees cave in during many movements You experience shin or knee pain (see this meta-analysis) Orthotics unfortunately aren’t working the way you thought they would either. Is there a conservative way to improve foot dynamics? YES! Choosing exercises that help the foot arch rise can be KEY to improving your foot dynamics. And guess what? NONE of them entail picking up marbles or curling your toes. Watch the video and read the post below to learn about it.

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Curing Split Squat Knee Pain FAST!

The Split Squat ESSENTIALS You Are Missing You’ve mastered the split squat form, but you’re still getting knee pain during? Did you ever think that maybe your split squat technique is NOT the issue? Maybe you’re focusing on the wrong things. Don’t worry, I’ll show you the right drills to shift your efforts towards. I’m going to give you the 3 drills that will loosen up your hips, strengthen your knees, and reduce knee pain during split squats. And make sure to stick around until the end because I’ve got a little present for you to try afterward.

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