August 2018 Links and Review

Every week, my newsletter subscribers get links to some of the goodies that I’ve come across on the internets. Here were the goodies that my peeps got their learn on in August. If you want to get a copy of my weekend learning goodies every Friday, fill out the form below.  That way you can brag to all your friends about the cool things you’ve learned over the weekend. [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Hell yes I want weekend learning goodies every Friday!”]

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The Reckoning: Part Deux Course Review

I recently had the opportunity to attend The Reckoning: Part Deux, a course taught by Dr. Pat Davidson and Dr. Ben House. The host was my boi, Mike Ranfone. This course focused on two concepts: understanding evolutionary history to influence programming (Pat’s talk),  and discussing all things hypertrophy, fat loss, health, and nutrition (Ben’s talk). I’ve heard Pat speak in the past, and always appreciate his drawing from many aspects of science to influence programming. His evolution discussion led to many light bulbs going off. What had me really excited was to hear Ben speak. I have several colleagues who speak highly of his work, and given that nutrition/functional medicine is a weak point in my game, I wanted to hear his perspective. Let’s just say, neither of the doctors disappointed. There was an excellent mix of theoretical and practical application, and both fellas approached performance from such different angles that the Reckoning as a whole was beyond comprehensive. If you get a chance to hear either of these guys talk, sign up yesterday, you won’t regret it.

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Three Keys to a Successful Home Exercise Program

I recently had someone ask me about how I get people to do their exercises on the regular at home. Let’s face it, it can be challenging to have clients succeed if they are not doing the stuff they need to do at home. Only so much can be accomplished in the small portion of time we as clinicians and coaches spend with our clients. If you follow the steps I have in the podcast and transcript below, you can see home exercise program execution increase substantially. Enjoy!                    Modified Transcript We’re going to talk about designing and executing an effective home exercise program that helps your clients reach their goals. A lot of the keys are on you, my friend; regardless of if you are a coach, clinician, trainer, or nutritionist. I don’t care what you are! If you want your people moving effectively, and you use movement to help them reach their goals, this one’s for you. Educate on why the home program is important The first key, first and foremost, is education. You have to educate your people as to why doing activity X is important, and how is it going to help them reach their goals. Many times you will give an activity in a  home exercise program that does not seem related whatsoever to the offending activity. How is this breathing activity going to help me get to the mailbox without pain? How is activity B going

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