If you are struggling with getting feet to move the way you need to, or have bunions, or anything foot, this is the post!
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Health and Performance Made Ridiculously Simple
If you are struggling with getting feet to move the way you need to, or have bunions, or anything foot, this is the post!
Read MoreBiomechanics, compensation, and treatment of the foot Movement Debrief Episode 119 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the setlist: What is the relative foot position during inhalation and exhalation? What strategies can be used to improve pronation and supination limitations? How can I improve dynamics in a flat foot? How does the foot move during a squat? How do bunions form?
Read MoreLearn how reaching and improve upper body mobility Movement Debrief Episode 116 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the setlist: How does airflow change at various reaching angles? How does airflow change with trunk rotation? What is the scapular orientation during shoulder extension? How does one with a posterior thorax tilt present? How do different carry variations impact airflow? How does forearm supination and pronation impact reaching? How can we sequence carries in a manner that allows for maximal airflow expansion? How can you tell if someone is using a compensatory strategy when they are lifting weights?
Read MoreMovement Debrief Episode 105 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: Is it more important to correct axial skeleton imbalances or side to side asymmetries? Should we do bilateral lifts to challenge the weak side to “keep up”, or should we perform single sided activities to even things out? How important is foot positioning during resets? What are some strategies to drive calcaneal inversion or eversion? How do you communicate more specific treatment goals with other practitioners who aren’t familiar with your model?
Read MoreMovement Debrief Episode 59 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: What are the top two studies that have influenced my practice? What is piriformis syndrome? How do I treat piriformis syndrome? What is screwing the feet? What position should the foot be in for squatting? If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook or Instagram.They air every Wednesday at 7pm CST. Enjoy! and the audio version… Here were the links I mentioned: Sign-up for the Human Matrix in Seattle, WA on September 15-16th here Sign up for the Human Matrix in Kansas City, KS on October 27-28th here Sign-up for the Human Matrix in Portland, OR on November 10-11 here Read here to learn more about Human Matrix Coordinative variability and overuse injury Pat Davidson Mechanics of the respiratory muscles Here is the debrief on hip extension Below is a good move to improve hip internal rotation Below is a good move to improve hip external rotation Below is the slump test Eric Oetter Below is an excerpt from a message I got from a bright PT student and zaccupples.com employee, Kris Camelio (Instagram, Twitter), in regards to the “foot screwing out” piece. I thought you may enjoy. Pronation during squat makes the foot segment mobile and thus offers less stability for the rest of
Read MoreMovement Debrief Episode 51 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: Why are muscles asymmetrical? Are there any treatment/training considerations for people with marked asymmetries? What are the feet doing in stance? What is the relationship between foot and hip position? How do proximal structures affect elbow position? How important is full elbow mobility? How does rotation impact elbows? What treatments are used to restore elbow motion? If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook or Instagram.They air every Wednesday at 7pm CST. Enjoy! and the audio version… Here were the links I mentioned: Sign-up for the Human Matrix in Seattle, WA on September 15-16th here Sign up for the Human Matrix in Kansas City, KS on October 27-28th here Sign-up for the Human Matrix in Portland, OR on November 10-11 here Factors Associated With Paraspinal Muscle Asymmetry in Size and Composition in a General Population Sample of Men Postural Restoration Institute Lateral Wedges Arch Pads Ulnar nerve subluxations Here’s a signup for my newsletter to get nearly 3 hours and 50 pages of content, a free acute:chronic workload calculator, basketball conditioning program, podcasts, and weekend learning goodies: [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Get learning goodies and more”]
Read MoreMovement Debrief Episode 38 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the set list: How long does it take for changes desired by exercises to stay? How long do I keep someone on the same movement? What influence do the abdominal muscles have on ribcage position? How can we change position of the body to bias particular abdominal muscles? How to address rib flares Why and when should you cue a posterior tilt? What are some good way to cue a posterior tilt? If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube. They air every Wednesday at 7:30pm CST. Enjoy! Here were the links I mentioned: Infrasternal Angles and Overhead vs. Quadruped Respiration Revisited Excerpt from Pat Davidson’s Rethinking the Big Patterns (you can also check out the course review here) The Squatting Bar Reach: A Movement Deep Dive How to Deadlift: A Movement Deep Dive Enhancing Life Method Strength Andy McCloy Trevor LaSarre James Fryer Here’s a signup for my newsletter to get nearly 3 hours and 50 pages of content, a free acute:chronic workload calculator, basketball conditioning program, podcasts, and weekend learning goodies: [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Get learning goodies and more”] Getting Changes to Stick Abdominals Explained Posterior Pelvic Tilts
Read MoreMovement Debrief Episode 30 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video and audio for your listening pleasure. Here is the set list: If/when is manual muscle testing relevant and valuable What considerations should be made when manual muscle testing? Creative ways to improve variability in powerlifters What methods are useful for reducing adductor overactivity If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube. They air every Wednesday at 7:30pm CST. Enjoy! Here were the links I mentioned: Bill Hartman Pat Davidson Pre-existent vertebral rotation in the human spine is influenced by body position Right thoracic curvature in the normal spine Analysis of preexistent vertebral rotation in the normal spine Behavioral evidence for left-hemisphere specialization of motor planning Ipsilateral Hip Abductor Weakness After Inversion Ankle Sprain Here is the glute max fiber orientation (courtesy of Wikimedia Commons) Here is a video of the D1 Extension pattern Enhancing Life Method Strength Andy Mccloy Trevor LaSarre Here’s a signup for my newsletter to get nearly 3 hours and 50 pages of content, a free acute:chronic workload calculator, basketball conditioning program, podcasts, and weekend learning goodies: [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Get learning goodies and more”] Manual Muscle Testing Treating Powerlifters Adductors Gotsta Chill
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