This Keeps You TENSE (NO ONE Talks About It)

🤔 Ever feel like your face is flexing harder than a bodybuilder in a mirror? Or that your jaw is grinding, but not in the David Goggins ultra-marathon way? If facial tension, jaw pain, or sleep issues are stealing your smile, it’s time for a game-changer. Dive into the magic of Myofunctional Therapy – it’s like a spa day, but for your face. 🧖‍♂️ Learn 5 simple moves that can transform your craniofacial health and have you grinning like you just found the last pack of toilet paper in a pandemic. Ready to relax that face and reclaim your comfort? Click to unravel the secrets! 🚀

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Neck Pain Stretches DON’T WORK (but this does)

The real reason your neck hurts If your neck ever hurts when… – You exercise – Work on the computer for too long – Taking deep breaths THIS POST is for you! Because the reason why your neck hurts is NOT that you have to stretch it. No. Instead, it could be because of one thing you are doing all throughout the day. The best part? This thing is TOTALLY under your control! What is it? Read the blog and watch the video below to learn about it!

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