Fix Forward Head Posture for Good

Addressing all factors that cause forward head Struggle with forward head posture? I bet you tried sitting up straight and pulling your shoulders back. But it didn’t work that well, right? That’s because forward head posture is not caused by laziness or phone use, but by something else: The need to keep the airway open. I’ll explain why forward head posture happens and how to fix the underlying issues. Addressing this posture in the best way possible. Read the blog, watch the video, and listen to the podcast below to learn about it.

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Tight Upper Trap – The Hidden Cause That Stretching Won’t Fix

The real reason your traps are tight The upper trap, the muscle along the sides of your neck, is a common cause of neck pain and tension. Most people try to fix this tension by stretching their necks. But I hate to break it to you… Stretching doesn’t work That’s because the upper trap is NOT tight for the reasons you’d think it was. In this post, I’ll give you the REAL reason the upper trap gets tight, and what you can do about it. Check it out below.

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