Quadruped Hold

An important drill that will improve your pushups You ever try a pushup and it just…looks…AWFUL? I’m talking head dipping forward, sagging like crazy, and shoulder blades looking like you might be able to fly kinda pushups? It may be that practicing pushups more IS NOT the answer. It could be that you or your supreme clientele have movement restrictions that prevent boss-status pushups from happening. Limitations that stretching simply won’t fix. Or perhaps there are fundamental aspects that are needed for an effective pushup that were simply glossed over. Folks, I got a drill for you that will improve mobility and teach pushup fundamentals simultaneously. Enter the quadruped hold. This move is essential to master before really pushing the envelope on any weight-bearing upper body exercises—pushups, bear crawls, mountain climbers, and more. Quadruped is like learning musical scales to your Stairway to Pushup Heaven. Let’s start class! Check out the video and post below to learn all about this awesome move!

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How to Treat Pain with Sitting – A Case Study

Case studies are much more valuable than many give credit for. It is this type of study that can often lead to sweeping changes in how further research is conducted, often create paradigm shifts in their own right. After all, there was only one Patient H.M. One thing that I wish I saw more in case studies was the clinician’s thought process. Why did they elect to do this treatment over that, what were they thinking when they saw this? How do they tick? I was fortunate enough to have an online client of mine suggest to that I make her a case study, and it was a very rewarding experience on both fronts. My hope is that you can see how a clinician thinks first-hand, and see the challenges a clinician faces… When you can’t work with your hands.

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