Every week, my newsletter subscribers get links to some of the goodies that I’ve come across on the internets.
Here were the goodies that my peeps got their learn on from this past August.
If you want to get a copy of my weekend learning goodies every Friday, fill out the form below. That way you can brag to all your friends about the cool things you’ve learned over the weekend.
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Table of Contents
Biggest Lesson of the Month
Don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t hitting perfection day in and day out. Consistent progress over time is the key.
There have been many days where I wasn’t motivated to stay on task, and faltered. The key to getting back on the proverbial horse the next day was to not beat myself up. Instead, acknowledge that these things happen, understand I’m human, and get after it the next day.
You’d be amazed at what this shift in perspective can do.
Quote of the Month
“Greatness is a lot of small things done daily” ~ MJ Demarco
MJ Demarco again takes the cake this month. This quote made me reflect a lot on just how many small, quality habits, can make an impact on life. What small things can you do to become great?
Hike of the Month
A late steal this month, but got a chance to check out Death Valley National Park.

I wasn’t really sure what to expect with this place since, ya know, it’s hot and things are kinda dead n’ stuff, but the variety in landscape was quite unbelievable. Landscape that I have never experienced before, whether salt lands or sand dunes. I’d definitely consider checking this awesome place out.
Here’s a little sneak preview of the free talk I’ll be putting up for you guys once I re-record it!
Blog: What Evidence Based Practice is Not
Doug Kechijian always telling it like it is. This time, my younger older brother discusses how to think about evidence based practice. How it is much more than a bomb of Pubmed citations. I also love how he touches on effective discussion on the internet.
Here is a little variation on differential tendon gliding you can try next time you see someone with a flexor tendon repair.
Blog: Should We Delay Range of Motion After a Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery?
Mike Reinold again coming on strong with this post. This time, Mike looks at a systematic review comparing early vs. delayed motion after a cuff repair, and I love his interpretation.
Video: Kettlebell Swing Tutorial w/ Justice Williams (via Tony Gentilcore)
My kettlebell game is something I’m hoping to improve upon over the next year, and this was a great intro point to it. Here, Tony Gentilcore and Justice Williams provide an excellent coaching tutorial on the wonderful/brutal exercise known as the kettlebell swing.
Article: Trick Yourself Into Writing Well by Telling Yourself to Write Badly
Lifehacker is an awesome website for many reasons, and this article is an example of that.
Many times, getting started writing is the hardest part, here, the peeps at Lifehacker give you a trick to getting started. Works wonders for those days I don’t want to write.
Making this one little tweak to how I plan email checking throughout my day has made a big difference.
Personal Development
Book: What to do When It’s Your Turn
A dear friend of mine got me this book, which has become my pre-bed reading and I love it. Seth Godin, marketer extraordinaire, writes in this book about handling fear of failure, getting the courage to start something up, and how timing is never right. These are a few of many great topics that I’ve come across, and I always fall asleep in a good mood after I read a few pages
Blog: These are the 8 Friends You Need to be Happy in Life
Social engagement is something we don’t discuss much when we are trying to reach our health and performance goals. Here, Eric Barker talks about the eight people you should have in your life. How many do you have?
Article: How Frequently Should You Take A Vacation?
This is probably the most comprehensive guide to vacationing that I have come across. It turns out, vacations are incredibly important to your health.
Don’t like vacations? Consider your increase for cardiovascular disease elevated. Read the guide to maximizing them.

Blog: How One Young Couple Repaid $87,000 of Student Loan Debt in 27 Months
If you have student loans. Read this. It’s hard work, gruesome, but paying off debt has been a rewarding experience for me. If you are lacking motivation, or can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, here is some hope.
Blog: Struggling Against Good Decisions with Bad Results
This was just a phenomenal message that can be extrapolated not to just finances, but life. Here, Trent Hamm discusses the importance of sticking to sound principles, even if those principles don’t always result in a desirable outcome
Book: Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual
If you need a swift kick in the ass to get back into gear, this is the book. Many of the pages are snippets from Jocko Willink’s podcast, but the message is not lost. Jocko will make you rethink everything your doing, and eliminate the excuses for you not doing. Change your life, and read this book.
Book: Unscripted
After you’ve been kicked down by Jocko, let MJ Demarco pull off the finisher. This guy is becoming one of my favorite authors because he is brutally honest and pulls no punches in explaining how we fall into business and work traps that not only hinder us, but minimize helping others. If you want to be an entrepreneur (and you all should, this book tells you why) then this is a must read.
My favorite part? “The goal isn’t to make money, but to provide value to others.”
Health and Wellness
Podcast: Dr. Ruscio – The Real Deal with Gut Microbiota
I’ve been binge listening to Robb Wolf’s podcast, and I’ve come across Dr. Ruscio a couple different times. I admire his brutal honesty and simple approach to dealing with the gut microbiome, and I hope you guys like it as well.
Want to know some of my big keys for starting my day off right? Check out this week’s quick hit.
Podcast: Dr. Richard Maurer – The Blood Code
Again, another simplified and stratified approach to functional medicine courtesy of the Robb Wolf podcast. Here, Dr. Maurer outlines his key blood markers and first-tier treatment to help individuals with their health and wellness goals.
Article: Do You Need to Refrain from Coffee to Get the Maximal Effect of Caffeine?
If you want to maximize performance, do you need to give up coffee for a bit to get the benefits? Researchers compared how caffeine affects performance in heavy, moderate, and low users.
The answer might surprise you!