Why You Need Sun Exposure

Do you get out in the sun at all? Increasing my sun time has done wonders for my energy and sleep levels, and it’s an area we probably don’t hear enough about. That’s why I brought my buddy/fam/mentee/amazing Canadian physio Iordan Krouchev to teach y’all about all things related to sun exposure. In this post, he educates you about how to safely be out in the sun, and dispels many common myths surrounding the sun. Read this, enjoy, follow Iordan on Facebook, and get outside afterwards 🙂 All praise the sun For eons, humanity has worshipped the sun very well knowing that without “it”, there would be no “us”. Helios, son of the Titans Theia and Hyperion, drove his fiery chariot from East to West every single day keeping Homer, Socrates and all our other beloved philosophers alive. As much as the sun was venerated, its power was also feared. Losing control over the chariot, Helios’ son Phaethon set the Earth on fire and was quickly struck down by Zeus killing him on the spot in order to avoid the end of mortals. We now know that nor Helios, Ra, Belenus (Celtic), Xihe (Chinese; she also almost led to everything burning) or Surya (Hinduism) are the source of light and life on our planet. However, the fascination, adoration and fright of our ancestors of all cultures was well justified. Without the sun, or with changes in its activity, life as we know it would likely cease. Fast forward to 2018.

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November Links and Review

Every week, my newsletter subscribers get links to some of the goodies that I’ve come across on the internets. Here were the goodies that my peeps got their learn on from this past August. If you want to get a copy of my weekend learning goodies every Friday, fill out the form below.  That way you can brag to all your friends about the cool things you’ve learned over the weekend. [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Hell yes I want weekend learning goodies every Friday!”] Biggest Lesson of the Month Don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t hitting perfection day in and day out. Consistent progress over time is the key. There have been many days where I wasn’t motivated to stay on task, and faltered. The key to getting back on the proverbial horse the next day was to not beat myself up. Instead, acknowledge that these things happen, understand I’m human, and get after it the next day. You’d be amazed at what this shift in perspective can do. Quote of the Month “Greatness is a lot of small things done daily” ~ MJ Demarco MJ Demarco again takes the cake this month. This quote made me reflect a lot on just how many small, quality habits, can make an impact on life. What small things can you do to become great? Hike of the Month A late steal this month, but got a chance to check out Death Valley National Park. I wasn’t really sure what to expect with this

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