Sebastian Saur

Sebastian Saur, DPT

Love sports and moving but scared of getting hurt? Meet Sebastian!

He’s not just any PT or coach. With a decade of experience, he’s your go-to for moving your best and staying healthy.

Move for LIFE: Movement Training for All

Sebastian got skills from big names like Bill Hartman and Zac. He’s all about that “Move for LIFE” vibe. With him, you won’t only up your game for your favorite activity. You’ll learn to move better everywhere!

He loves using cool tools like sandbags, ropes, and more. Let’s

Ideal Clients: Active & Wanting More

Do you like sports or have a movement hobby you wanna be better at? You’re Sebastian’s kind of person.

Do you have pain fears? He helps people go from “ouch” to “oh yeah!”

Ask his former marine/crossfitter who went from 10+ years of back pain to being able to train like an animal. NO limits!

Quick Facts: Skier, BJJ Fan, & Music Lover

  • Sebastian loves skiing and BJJ
  • He vibes with all types of music
  • He’s German-American, giving him that unique style.

Not For You If…

You’re not into learning or only want quick fixes. Sebastian’s about that long-term health life.

Learn more about working with Sebastian.