June 2019 Links and Review

Every week, my newsletter subscribers get links to some of the goodies that I’ve come across on the internets. Here were the goodies that my peeps got their learn on in June. If you want to get a copy of my weekend learning goodies every Friday, fill out the form below.  That way you can brag to all your friends about the cool things you’ve learned over the weekend. [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Hell yes I want weekend learning goodies every Friday!”]

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February Links and Review

Every week, my newsletter subscribers get links to some of the goodies that I’ve come across on the internets. Here were the goodies that my peeps got their learn on in February. If you want to get a copy of my weekend learning goodies every Friday, fill out the form below.  That way you can brag to all your friends about the cool things you’ve learned over the weekend. [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Hell yes I want weekend learning goodies every Friday!”]

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All About Jobs – Movement Debrief Episode 20

Just in case you missed Movement Debrief Episode 20, here is a copy of the video and audio for your listening pleasure. Here were all the topics: Pre-Job Preparation Job Searching The Interview Process The Post-Interview Process Negotiations The Job If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube. They air every Wednesday at 8:30pm CST. Enjoy.                    Here were the links I mentioned tonight Resilient Performance Physical Therapy “Here’s How to Really Prepare for an Interview” by Ramit Sethi “The Briefcase Technique” by Ramit Sethi Roger Dawson’s Secrets of Power Negotiating Join my mentorship program, get a movement consultation, or let me design an online fitness program for you. Here’s a signup for my newsletter to get a free acute:chronic workload calculator, basketball conditioning program, podcasts, and weekend learning goodies: [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Get learning goodies and more”]  

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The Art of the Debrief & Work/Life Balance – Movement Debrief Episode 8

Episode 8 of the Movement Debrief, despite technical difficulties, persevered. In case you missed it live, we talked about the following topics: What is a debrief? How I structure my debrief Balancing work, social interaction, health, etc What makes you you If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook or Youtube. They air every Wednesday at 8:30pm CST. Enjoy. The Art of the Debrief Work/Life Balance

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