Rocking a rib flare that’s cramping your style? Discover a sequence of exercises that can reshape your ribcage and get you moving like a rock legend. Follow along for 30 days, and you’ll see some AMAZING changes
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Health and Performance Made Ridiculously Simple
Rocking a rib flare that’s cramping your style? Discover a sequence of exercises that can reshape your ribcage and get you moving like a rock legend. Follow along for 30 days, and you’ll see some AMAZING changes
Read MoreIf your hips are ahead of your torso, read this If you notice that: Then you may be presenting with what a swayback posture. If you want to learn exactly what that is and what you should do about it, check out the blog, video, and podcast below.
Read MoreIs anterior pelvic tilt something I NEED to fix? If you’ve ever thought you have an anterior pelvic tilt, you’ve definitely heard it all: Confusing, right? What is the answer? What do we do about this common (and normal) postural presentation? The answer lies within this post. Check out the blog, video, and podcast below to learn more.
Read MoreThis move fixes it for good! Are you tired of living with a rib flare? Do you want to improve your posture and mobility without undergoing surgery? Look no further, as the solution is here. In this article, we’ll explain why rib flares happen and show you the best exercise to reduce it. Check out the blog, video, and podcast below to learn about it!
Read MoreDon’t let these mistakes rob your mobility gains Pelvic tilts are commonly prescribed to improve range of motion in a variety of areas, but you know what is even more common? Screwing up pelvic tilt form. In fact, these 4 mistakes will pretty much make the technique useless. But don’t you worry, I’ll help you navigate these common mistakes so you can get the most out of pelvic tilts, improve your range of motion, and feel better than ever before! Check out the post, video, and podcast to learn more!
Read MoreIf your lower ribs jut forward, here’s the cure If your ribs stick out or you have a deep arch in your lower back, you MUST check this post out. Because your ribs looking this way…is NOT structural. Instead, your body is using a movement strategy that contributes to the lower ribs appearing prominent, impacting your ability to contract your abs and move well. Below, you’ll learn why rib flares exist and what you can do about it. Watch the video and read the post below to learn more!
Read MoreThere’s a subtlety to properly executing a posterior pelvic tilt. You’ll learn it today Posteriorly tilting the pelvis aka tucking the hips is a common strategy we use to enhance hip mobility and get the pelvis in a good position to load the legs during various exercises. But are you someone who feels “the tuck” mostly in your abs, stretching your back, or working your quads? I hate to break it to you… You’re doing it wrong Surprisingly, the posterior tilt needs to be WAY more subtle than you think to get the biomechanical actions we oh so desire. Why so subtle? Don’t worry, I’ll explain EVERYTHING you ever needed to know about the posterior pelvic tilt.
Read MoreWhy hip flexion is SO much more than a sagittal plane movement You may think hip flexion is as easy as bringing your knee to your chest, but there is SO much more going on. In fact, the act of hip flexion has various rotational elements about it, and better understanding these elements can greatly enhance our exercise selection, helping our clients move and perform better.garageband Don’t worry fam, we get into the weeds and come out with an easy understanding of hip flexion in Movement Debrief Episode 160!
Read MoreIf hip flexor stretching is whack, what is better, Zac? It’s super common to feel hip flexor tightness from sitting or a bazillion other things. The problem is that your traditional hip flexor stretches don’t really work…At all. The reason why is NOT because your hip flexor muscles are this evil piece of your anatomy that hates you and cares little about your feeble attempts to stretch them. It’s because tight hip flexors are part of a bigger movement strategy that your body uses. And in order to get these muscles to let go, you have to teach your body a different movement behavior. One that takes into consideration ALL of the areas that influence hip flexor tension. What are they? Well fam watch the video below and read the blog to learn! What are the hip flexors? Are the hip flexors simply evil muscles that exist within your body to cause you all types of pain and problems? Uh, no fam. The hip flexors are several muscles that act to flex the hip (aka bring your thigh closer to your abdomen. If you’ve ever sprinted, walked, went upstairs, done marching exercises, or kneed someone in the gut (wild times in Vegas), then you can be thankful you have hip flexors big fam! For you anatomy nerds, some of the major players that complete this move include: Tensor fascia lata (TFL) Psoas major Iliacus Rectus femoris What other actions do the hip flexors perform? You’ll notice that the hip flexor
Read MoreIf there is a frontal plane problem, you will want to check this out Are you someone who has a lateral pelvic tilt, a lateral spine shift, or Trendelenburg gait. If so, then this is the post for you, because we outline what is going on movement-wise, and what the heck you can do about it. Check out Movement Debrief Episode 156 below to learn more.
Read MoreWhat do you do if you have someone who is a narrow infrasternal angle, stiff as all hell, with some glaring asymmetries? Check out this video below, where a colleague and I walk through a case who presents in this manner. It in, you’ll hear about the following: How to test shoulder flexion more reliably How to build someone into half kneeling Moves to utilize for this type of individual Watch the video to learn what we did!
Read MoreMovement Debrief Episode 108 is in the books. Below is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure, and audio if you can’t stand looking at me. Here is the setlist: What is anterior pelvic orientation/tilt? How does this happen with different infrasternal angle presentation? When do I coach breathing sequences within a lift like the squat and deadlift? How does the breathing sequence differ if I am coaching a squat/deadlift for movement options versus max effort? What could a squat be useful at improving movement-wise? How about a hinge? What are the benefits of handstands? How can headstand and handstand variations be used to improve movement options?
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