3 Things That Make ALL Exercises Better

Upgrade Your Exercise Routine with These Three Simple Steps

If you want to instantly upgrade any exercise you’re doing, think about these three keys. They improve mobility, alignment, strength, power, and more. I use these steps with my patients and clients for amazing results. They are also fundamental principles I teach to movement professionals worldwide. Today, I’m sharing them with you for free.

Step 1: Eye Position

Your eye position can make or break your exercise form. It affects your posture and movement.

You want to drive slight upper cervical extension. This allows you the most freedom to both flex and extend. I coach this by keeping the eyes at the relative horizon. Standing exercises? Look straight ahead. Deadlifting? Eyes 6-10 feet out on the floor. 

Step 2: Ground Contact

How you touch the ground affects your force production and movement efficiency. Proper contact points improve internal rotation. You need this to allow more proximal segments to expand. 

Example: Single-Leg Bridge

  1. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat.
  2. Lift one leg off the ground.
  3. Push through the inner heel and big toe of the other foot.
  4. Lift your hips off the ground.
  5. Lower and repeat.

Focusing on these contact points maximizes force production and stability.

Example: Push-Ups

  1. Get into a plank position.
  2. Place hands directly under your shoulders.
  3. Focus on the pisiform (pinky side of wrist) and base of the index finger.
  4. Lower your body, keeping elbows close.
  5. Push back up.

Proper hand positioning enhances internal rotation and makes push-ups more effective.

Step 3: Breathing

Breathing affects tension and mobility. When you breathe comfortably, that tension must let go so the lungs can fill. This is key for helping you gain motion.

For mobility drills, I cue a slow 4-6 count nasal inhale. The exhale is a similar amount of time, soft and slow through the mouth.

During dynamic movements, it’s as simple as inhaling during the eccentric and exhaling during the concentric. The breath pace matches the speed of the movement. 


By focusing on eye position, ground contact, and breathing, you can upgrade any exercise. These simple steps will enhance your mobility, strength, and performance. Try incorporating them into your routine and notice the difference.