Fix Your Neck Hump FAST (10 Minutes a Day)

A Complete Exercise Plan Ever noticed someone with a bump on the back of their neck? This is called a dowager’s hump. It happens when the uppermost part of the back and ribs become rounded, also known as kyphosis. While common, leaving it untreated can lead to reduced lung volumes, increased fall risk, fractures, and lower quality of life. This condition is especially prevalent in women.

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Don’t EVER Do These Exercises

nlock your shoulder, neck, and upper body rotation mobility with a fresh perspective on thoracic or T-spine mobility. This blog post reveals the missing ingredient in most T-spine mobility drills – the movement of the ribs. Discover a four-step plan that includes improving front-to-back ribcage dimensions, expanding the posterior and anterior thorax, and driving progressive rotation under load. Learn how to enhance your mobility and unleash your movement with these practical and effective strategies.

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Something’s Up with Your Back…

A common postural problem Slouched posture gets all the press, but what if you’re dealing with flat back posture? Although this presentation is common, there are NOWHERE NEAR as many resources addressing it. That changes today. I’m breaking the silence on this critical posture problem. You’ll learn what it is, how to test for it, and how to improve your movement with it. Read the blog, watch the video, and listen to the podcast on it.

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Slouched Posture – Fixed for Good

A solution for slouching that works Have rounded shoulders? Feel like you ALWAYS have to sit up straight and stand up tall to fix them? Maybe even do a bunch of rows? STOP. Why? Because these common fixes might actually be counterproductive? I’ll reveal the real solution to fix rounded shoulders that you’ve never seen before. The best part? It’s actually backed by science! So, get ready to learn the truth! Read the blog, watch the video, and listen to the podcast to learn about it!

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The REAL Reason Your Back Hurts on Squats

This is how you reduce arching your back Squats can build MASSIVE legs, but not if you ONLY feel back, hip, and knee pain during. Are you someone who… – Can’t squat deep. Like…at all – Arch your back like CRAZY? If so, then addressing these issues can help you get so much more out of the squat. And the fix isn’t just flexing your back and hoping for the best. Instead, you have to look at the REAL reason why a deep arch in the lower back during squats occurs. Once you know the why, then you can determine the how. I’ll give you both of those in today’s post. Check out the post and video below to learn about it.

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