Every week, my newsletter subscribers get links to some of the goodies that I’ve come across on the internets. Here were the goodies that my peeps got their learn on in May. If you want to get a copy of my weekend learning goodies every Friday, fill out the form below. That way you can brag to all your friends about the cool things you’ve learned over the weekend. [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Hell yes I want weekend learning goodies every Friday!”]
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Optimizing Human Performance, the Importance of Communication Skills, and an Awesome Ronald Reagan Impression
Maximizing the health and performance goals of your clients requires several qualities. While having a model surrounding movement and other health factors are incredibly important, how often do we consider the health of ourselves in the equation? If you do not have a healthy social life, difficulty interacting with other people, and continue to improve our knowledge base, how can we achieve buy-in? The best plan will not work. That and so much more happened in a recent podcast I did with my good friend Robbie Bourke. In this discussion, we touch on several topics: My background What are the good and not so good things that I currently see with the physical therapy and human performance professions, and what solutions I offer for the not so good things he is seeing How can we teach and encourage critical thinking skills? My model to optimize human performance The importance of having a social network My growth so far as a human being How I have used adversities in his life to facilitate my communication when working with clients? When do we stop making allowances for people’s behavior? My in person assessment process with a patient What have been the biggest lessons I’ve learned so far in my life How do I learn? What are my top resource? My amazing Ronald Reagan impression If I had only 1 year left on planet Earth – how would I spend that year and why? If I could invite 5 people to dinner, dead
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