You wake up, make your bed, do your ahem, bathroom business, then slowly sulk your way to the kitchen to get some coffee brewing. While the good stuff brews, you open up your computer and decide to check what’s going on in the good old internet today. Then it happens. You see 20 new blogs on your blogroll, Facebook has shared 13 different posts that sound unbelievable, but oh wait, check out that tweet showing Tim Ferriss finally interviewed Zac Cupples (#dreaming), and then oh snap, Eminem just dropped another new song on Spotify! And then you accomplish nothing. I see this problem time and time again with many of the mentees that I work with, and I occasionally fall into the trap myself. We see so many interesting articles coming out on a regular basis, and the pull from FOMO is real. With so much to consume and so little time, what are we to do? The short answer: consume at the right time. Yes, the learning process has to involve impeccable timing with consumption. I’ve spoken about just in time learning ad nauseam (here and here), and it is key to both solving problems and retentaining new information. Consuming a cornucopia of random posts, articles, podcasts, and Youtube videos without direction is a recipe for time wasting. You fleet from one cool article to the next and…oh wait, what was that last article about? We’ve all been there, and the struggle is real. So how do we overcome this nerd FOMO
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