Zac Cupples coaching someone on a video call

Online Movement Session

Is your movement restricted, tight, or uncomfortable?

Fed up with endless social media scrolling trying to find exercises to help you feel better?

If you want to stop wasting time and start moving better, you’re in the right place.

Our movement consultations will target your exact movement needs.

Struggling with movement restrictions?

We’re here to help. Anywhere in the world, we can help you move better right from your home.

See some of the results we commonly get, often within 1-3 sessions!

Hagan was able to rotate further, improving his golf game
Adrian could sit at work pain-free for the first time

Our online movement consultation offers a detailed assessment of your body’s movement capabilities. You’ll get direct coaching from us, often seeing results from the get-go!

Don’t just take my word for it though, see what our clients say.

Here is what our clients are saying

Over the course of one year, I developed severe upper back, lower back, and  right shoulder pain.  It was Unresponsive to traditional measures such as pain medications or topical agents.   The pain was significantly affecting my quality-of-life.  I was cranky and miserable around my family.  I even thought about possibly even giving up my career ( which took over 10  years of education to achieve)  because it is very computer intensive and the keyboarding/mouse work  was nearly unbearable.  I would become depressed just looking at my workstation.

In short, I was a miserable total mess.  Initially, I went to physical therapists  closer to my home, performing an extensive amount of rehabilitation exercises which took up one or two hours each day.  It was so frustrating because I was diligently performing the exercises, yet I was not getting better, in fact some symptoms were getting worse.

Through extensive online research and the all important Dr. Google, I discovered Zac  and scheduled an online consultation.  He performed a detailed evaluation, looking at my entire body ( something no one else had done) and movement mechanisms.  He Prescribed two exercises, much simpler schedule than previous regimens.  Within about 10 days, I began feeling so much better.  My back began to open up and my shoulder felt much better.

Now, after three sessions, I am able to work at my workstation completely pain-free, something I’ve been unable to achieve in one year. I’m getting a lot stronger physically and mentally.  On another note, I feel like I’m a much better mother And wife now as well, the pain took up such a large amount of my energy.

Thank you Zac for helping me get my life back on track!

-Valerie R, Houston, TX

What’s included in my program?

Each of our coaches will give you movements that target your specific needs. No guesswork, all results.

Plus, you’ll receive access to our network of trusted health and fitness providers for any other health and performance needs.

Each call includes:

✅ Comprehensive intake process to address all health needs

✅ 1-hour video call with a personalized movement assessment to figure out your limitations

✅ Expert-level coaching to maximize your mobility gains and results

✅ 2 follow-up direct messages to ensure continued success and progression. It’s more than just a call

✅ Connect with other health and fitness providers for any other health and performance needs


About our experts

Sebastian Saur

Sebastian Saur, DPT

Love sports and moving but scared of getting hurt? Meet Sebastian!

He’s not just any PT or coach. With a decade of experience, he’s your go-to for moving your best and staying healthy.

Learn more

Move for LIFE: Movement Training for All

Sebastian got skills from big names like Bill Hartman and Zac. He’s all about that “Move for LIFE” vibe. With him, you won’t only up your game for your favorite activity. You’ll learn to move better everywhere!

He loves using cool tools like sandbags, ropes, and more. Let’s

Ideal Clients: Active & Wanting More

Do you like sports or have a movement hobby you wanna be better at? You’re Sebastian’s kind of person.

Do you have pain fears? He helps people go from “ouch” to “oh yeah!”

Ask his former marine/crossfitter who went from 10+ years of back pain to being able to train like an animal. NO limits!

Quick Facts: Skier, BJJ Fan, & Music Lover

  • Sebastian loves skiing and BJJ
  • He vibes with all types of music
  • He’s German-American, giving him that unique style.

Not For You If…

You’re not into learning or only want quick fixes. Sebastian’s about that long-term health life.

Zac Cupples, DPT

Looking for a top online movement coach? Want a world-class program? Zac is your answer.

He has 11 years of experience as a physical therapist and strength coach. His skill is why he both worked in the NBA and teaches movement all over the world.

Learn more

Fitness and Movement for All

Zac’s clients are diverse. He’s helped movement pros and athletes of all kinds reach their goals. Training with pain or recovering from injury? Zac can help you out

Intelligent Training, Lasting Gains

“Movement is a skill you need to practice,” is Zac’s guiding principle. He integrates ALL movements to help you reach your goals–from tai chi to sprinting. Calisthenics and lifting.

The Perfect Client Match

Are you committed, open-minded, and goal-oriented? Zac can help guide you to your goals. Your enthusiasm is your entry ticket.

Not the Right Fit If…

Prone self-sabotaging your progress? Do Google and Youtube cause you to lose focus? Zac might not be the coach for you. If you’re all in, you’ll win!

Get to Know Zac

  1. He’s an escape room junkie with over 50 rooms solved
  2. Loves outdoor games like spikeball and pickleball.
  3. Has an extensive list of dining recommendations.

Ready for Next-Level Performance?

Unlock your potential by working with Zac. Contact him today and set yourself on the path to success.

Zac Cupples running on treadmill

Ready for a tailored movement experience?

Let’s explore how I can help you achieve your movement goals. No commitment, just a straightforward chat about what you need. Fill out the form below, and I’ll reach out shortly!
