Kyphosis, Post-Rehab Total Hips, and Coordinating Three Planes- Movement Debrief Episode 26

Movement Debrief Episode 26 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video and audio for your listening pleasure. Here were all the topics: What treatment parameters should be considered when working with someone who is overly kyphotic What to look at when assessing a total hip arthroplasty What training pieces should be considered and focused on with a total hip arthroplasty Should anything be avoided on the training floor with a total hip arthroplasty? How do I restore shoulder flexion How do I use cervical rotation to restore cervical lordosis What exactly do I mean by restoring sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes? How do I assess the three planes How do I restore the three planes Can the ribcage and t-spine act independently? If you want to watch these live, add me on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube. They air every Wednesday at 7:30pm CST. Enjoy.                  Here were the links I mentioned tonight Enhancing Life Bill Hartman An Anatomic Investigation of the Ober’s Test The Ultimate Guide to Treating Ankle Sprains Ipsilateral Hip Abductor Weakness after Inversion Ankle Sprain Method Strength Andy Mccloy  Trevor LaSarre Jeremy Hyatt Here’s a signup for my newsletter to get a free acute:chronic workload calculator, basketball conditioning program, podcasts, and weekend learning goodies: [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Get learning goodies and more”]   Kyphosis Post-Rehab Total Hips Shoulder Flexion Cervical Rotation Coordinating Three Planes

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The Guide to Physical Therapy School

So peeps, I’m going on vacation this week. So instead of a debrief, I present to you the first legit episode of the Zac Cupples show. I’ll be putting these bad boys out occasionally when I have a topic that I feel would be better to riff on as opposed to discussing in a debrief or writing about. Here’s an outline of the topics I discussed Reasons to go into physical therapy What to look for in a PT school The goals of physical therapy school What you should take away from school What classes I recommend a student to take Enjoy!                  Here were the links I mentioned tonight All Gain, No Pain South College Physical Therapy Program Bill Hartman Continuing Education: The Complete Guide to Mastery Explain Pain Course Notes Therapeutic Neuroscience Education Course Notes Lorimer Moseley Explain Pain Course Notes Kettlebell Mashup FMS Level 2 Ultimate MMA Conditioning Dermoneuromodulation Course Notes ART Dry Needling Course Notes Spinal Manipulation Institute A Randomized Trial Comparing Acupuncture, Simulated Acupuncture, and Usual Care for Chronic Low Back Pain Here’s a signup for my newsletter to get a free acute:chronic workload calculator, basketball conditioning program, podcasts, and weekend learning goodies: [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Get learning goodies and more”] Also, check out the mentoring, movement, and training services I offer: Mentoring, Movement, and Training

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How to Fix Neck Pain After Lifting – A Live Treatment

While in the Hamptons, my main man Cody Benz started developing some neck trouble. We thought it might be helpful for y’all to see what I would do to help a cat like him. Here you will see me go through an entire treatment session with Cody, while I do my best to explain every decision I make. A major kudos to Daddy-o Pops Bill Hartman for asking some great questions throughout the treatment. Instead of the typical transcript I provide for these longer videos, I decided to write this up similarly to my neck pain with sitting case study format. I reflected on this case while editing the video, so you’ll see some added thoughts I had while you read through. I would recommend watching the video and reading the case study to get the most out of the material. Enjoy watching the session.

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The Sensitive Nervous System Chapter XIV: Management Strategies: Integration of Neurodynamics

This is a summary of chapter XIV of “The Sensitive Nervous System” by David Butler. The Big Picture Evidence Based Approach Here is the step by step patient care process that Butler advocates. 1)      Identify red flags and manage accordingly. 2)      Educate on the whole problem to include tissue health status, the nervous system’s role, and test results. 3)      Provide prognosis and make realistic goals. 4)      Promote self-care, control, and motivation. 5)      Decrease unnecessary fear and manage catastrophization. 6)      Get patients moving as early as possible. 7)      Help patients identify success and sense of mastery of a problem. 8)      Perform a skilled exam. 9)      Acknowledge that biopsychosocial inputs combine with the nervous system to produce pain and disability. 10)   Use any measures possible to reduce pain. 11)   Minimize number of treatments and contacts with all medical personnel. 12)   Chronic pain may need a multidisciplinary approach. 13)   Manage physical function and dysfunction. 14)   Assess and assist in improving general fitness. 15)   Assess how injury affects creative outlets and assist the patient with regaining creativity and discovering new creative outlets. Incorporating Neurodynamics There are several ways to incorporate neurodynamics into the patient’s plan of care which will be outlined below. Reassessment. Explanation. Passive mobilization. Active mobilization. Posture and ergonomics. Reassessment There are many evaluation protocols that warrant constant reassessment after applying an intervention. Be it a comparable sign or audit, neurodynamic tests can be utilized well within these systems. A word of caution with instant reassessment, as quick changes could merely be

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