Slouched Posture – Fixed for Good

A solution for slouching that works Have rounded shoulders? Feel like you ALWAYS have to sit up straight and stand up tall to fix them? Maybe even do a bunch of rows? STOP. Why? Because these common fixes might actually be counterproductive? I’ll reveal the real solution to fix rounded shoulders that you’ve never seen before. The best part? It’s actually backed by science! So, get ready to learn the truth! Read the blog, watch the video, and listen to the podcast to learn about it!

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What REALLY is Good Posture?

Is there such a thing? There’s a common misconception within the movement space that good posture is this one position that you must hold…all…the..time. But is that true? I THINK NOT. And that is one of many things that I discussed in this interview that I did on Jaw Hacks, a Youtube channel devoted to all things upper airway and breathing (a MUST follow). In this interview, we discuss a bunch of different things, ranging from: Simply put, you DO NOT want to miss this podcast. Watch the full video below: On the fence about committing the full 2 hours? Then watch this quick clip:

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Slouched vs Arched Posture – What’s the Difference?

Is your torso posture limiting your movement? Here’s what to do about it! If you have a tendency to be slouched, arched, or anything between, you might be wondering how you can improve the movements that are often lost with these presentations. The hard part is that the motions limited with these postures, as well as the “fixes” to improve these restrictions, are far from intuitive. Until today. It’ll all be cleaned up in Movement Debrie Episode 165.

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