Activity Modification When You Are Hurt – 3 Most Effective Ways

How doing less can actually help you move more Have you ever tried to rehab someone in pain, but their progress continues to stall because they keep doing activities that cause problems? You know, the person who continues to get in their own way? Although maintaining a physically active lifestyle is important for one’s health and wellbeing, some activities can be counterproductive during the rehab process. The cure can become the poison. What are we to do? Stop moving and breathe on the ground FOREVER? No. God…no. Instead, we want to couple a stellar rehab program with activity modification, choosing activities that complement or enhance the rehab goal as opposed to getting in the way. In today’s post, I’m going to show you the following: Why activity modification is ESSENTIAL for a successful rehab,  How NOT modifying activities can create a failure in patient outcomes the 3 ways I modify activities to SPEEDILY help some achieve pain-freedom How to help patients and clients buy-in to temporarily stopping the tasks they may love, but get in the way. Sound useful? Check out the video and post below to learn more.

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Top 10 Posts of 2021

The posts the fam loved the most! At the end of each year, I like to see what you wonderful folks loved! What the fam….recognized (fam). This year we went IN DEEP with biomechanics. A whole lotta pelvis especially, but also some feet and scapular stuff. If you want to learn more, then definitely check out this year’s top 10. Wishing you the best for 2022! 10. All About The Pelvic Floor My understanding and application of what the pelvic floor is doing as we move and breathe has become much more refined. This post is the best example of that. When you recognize that the pelvic floor contracts segmentally, you’ll look differently on exercise prescription. 9. Split Squat Biomechanics The split squat is an incredibly versatile exercise, and you can really vary it up if you grasp the biomechanical positions that occur as you move through the movement. This post provides a deep dive into this awesome move! 8. Maxillary Expansion Before and After 1 Year in the Crozat Appliance This year, I learned that there are three polarizing topics that you should not discuss with others: Religion Politics Upper airway treatments This post was by far my most controversial, where I outline what happened to myself after a year of being in the Crozat appliance. So far, the results have been pretty solid! 7. Core Training Do rib flares matter? Why do we stack and posteriorly tilt the pelvis? How should the core work as we walk? These were a few of

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