How to Build an Online Service, Training Obese Clients, and Building Relationships

Online services in our industry are still a little bit of a gray area. The logistics are uncertain, and how in the heck can we train or help someone from a movement perspective over the internet? That’s what this outstanding conversation between myself, Michelle Boland  (Instagram: mboland18), and Erik Kreuger.   Below are the list of topics that we cover:   What an online assessment for rehab and training looks like How to elicit behavior change How to stay consistent Productivity systems I have in place Training obese clients and so much more Enjoy!, and check out the transcripts below (work in progress)   or the audio-only version The difference between in-person and online consultations Erik Kreuger: Zac. Talk to me about your overall philosophy. How does it differ between working with someone in person to working with somebody online. You can start with the rehab side and then go to the training and performance side or wherever you would like to start. Zac Cupples: The Philosophy is really the same, but the methods are different. I’m trying to intervene in as many ways possible that are non-invasive. If you look at my interventional model–social support, movement, nutrition, distress management, and sleep–all being ways we can intervene still rings true whether I’m seeing someone in person or or online. And it’s about manipulating all those variables to help meet that client’s goal. Now the big difference between online and in person is I can’t touch people online. So as I tell

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January Links and Review

Every week, my newsletter subscribers get links to some of the goodies that I’ve come across on the internets. Here were the goodies that my peeps got their learn on in January. If you want to get a copy of my weekend learning goodies every Friday, fill out the form below.  That way you can brag to all your friends about the cool things you’ve learned over the weekend. [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″ submit=”Hell yes I want weekend learning goodies every Friday!”]

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How Sleep Saved the D-League – Resilient Podcast

Sleep is a big deal. Not only has a lack of sleep been linked to many big bad diseases, it also contributes to poor performance. Behavior change through education and persuasion is hard enough as is. We are all resistant to change, namely because our current habits and routines require Herculean willpower efforts to break. This problem  is especially true in non-conducive environments. It’s hard to eat healthy when your family cooks fried foods and orders pizza for dinner every night. It is these situations where we just have to make the most with what we have, and that’s exactly what I spoke about on one of my best friend’s podcasts, Doug Kechijian. Before we go into the content, let me tell you a bit about Douglas, my younger-older brother. Doug and I first met way back in 2013 at a PRI course in Phoenix.  I was the first person who arrived in town, and it was up to me to take care of the rental car. We had five bros to get to the class, so I needed to find something cozy that could fit everyone and their luggage to and from the class and Phoenix airport. So I’m looking at some midsize SUVs, a couple sedans, trying to find the right car that I could fit everyone in. Then I saw this: Doug and I had never met before, and he was the first person I had to pick up. He asked “what will you be driving?” I

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